You're Different

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Taehyung heard the shrieks and sat up quickly as Hoseok ran towards him. His eyes looked panicked and his breathe was hitched as he tried to tell whatever it was to Taehyung.

"There's a *gasp* fight. Yoongi hyung and that *gasp* jerk that bullied you." He said as he bent down onto his knees to try and catch his breath.

"What??" Taehyung look up from his friend and to the entrance of the school where he could hear yelling and screaming, most likely from the girls. He checked on Hoseok once who motioned for him to go. His hands turned into fists as he ran over to the school and through the crowd that had been chanting, "Fight,fight!" After several attempts of trying to get through people he managed to squeeze through only to see Yoongi and Jungkook attacking each other like animals and Jimin being held back by what could only be Yugeom. After he helped Jimin become friends with Tae he had tried to become a better person but was sucked back in by Jungkook and his gang and Taehyung always regretted that. He stared in horror as Yoongi fell onto the ground in pain with cuts and bruises all over before letting out a loud yell.


He was finally noticed by everyone there and he stomped over to Jungkook, grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him away from the bleeding Yoongi and flared at Yugeom to let Jimin go which he did. Jungkook was smirking as Taehyung pulled him away from the crowd and further away. He got to the back of the school where he would usually be by himself when he was younger and let go of Jungcock. (Not sorry). He paced back and forth before looking at the younger in the eye.

"You want to explain yourself?" He said as he rubbed his temple with his fingers. He wasn't exactly sure when he had become confident but he wasn't going to question it because he was pissed off. Jungkook shrugged, crossing his arms and glaring at Taehyung before flipping their positions so that he was blocking Taehyung with his arms. Tae let out a small gasp but only narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms instead.

"Doll, he started it. All I wanted to do was talk to Jimin." Jungkook said getting closer to Tae. He reacted and lifted to smack Jungkook, and he was able to. Jungkook was shocked for a second before the old Kim Taehyung wouldn't even be able to look him in the eye without stuttering and here he was slapping him. He growled as he came back to the present.

"It's not Yoongi hyungs fault. It's yours. Did you think that he would just let you talk to Jimin when you broke the poor boy? I think the fuck not. And on second thought, don't call me doll. I'm not youre pet. At least show me some god damn respect and call me hyung and-" He was cut off from his ranting speech when Jungkook kissed him for the second time today. His face went slightly pink but he didn't move, nor did he kiss back. He just stood their like a statue waiting for it to end.

When Jungkook finally pulled away from Tae, his eyes were narrowed. He had always had control over the older and this newfound defiance was something that he definitely wasn't used to. Never the less he was liking it.

"Aw, come on baby. Play with me." He muttered into Tae's ear. The shorter rolled his eyes and quickly ducked out of Jungkook's arms.

"Over my dead body." He said as he sauntered off, leaving the very turned on brunette by himself. Jungkook smirked as he watched him walk away from him. "That's alright baby. You'll be mine anyways."

Promised youuu <3

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