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D woke me up and the room was empty none of my stuff was there and everybody was gone.

Me- where is everybody

D- they left

Me- where's all my gifts

D- In the car, put some clothes on

Me- ok after I said that I went back to sleep but I was completely awoke when D smacked my ass hard

Me- ok I'm up

D- I know you is , yo clothes is in the bathroom hurry up

I brushed my teeth and washed my face then I put on the sweats he had out for me.

D- come on baby hurry up

I came out and we walked out and his car was already park out front

D- you have fun

Me- yeah I said reclining the seat back

D- I hop breakfast or Chicken Fil A

Me- ihop

We pulled up to ihop and got out and was seated right away.

We were talking and you know I was laughing because D is hilarious asf.

D- you're so beautiful and I love you so much and I promise I'll never leave you he said pulling out a box

I was so happy.

D- so that's why I got you this promise ring cause I promise to love you and stay with you only if you promise to do the same

Me- I promise I said trying not to cry cause no nigga went all out for me like he did.

I slid the beautiful ring on my fingers and I got up and kissed him.

Me- so what we doing today it's still Saturday

D- well I'M having a boys night out with Dexx and Dee at my crib

Me- aww ok

We finally headed back into my house D went straight to my room I knocked on my mom room door.

Mom-come In

I jumped on her bed

Me-look what D got me I said flashing my ring

Mom- oh that's really nice

Me and my mom talk for an extra minute then I head out the door

Me- oh D got you and Sana breakfast

Mom- ok

I ran into my room and jumped ontop of D

D- man come on I'm tired

I layed next to him and rest my head on his chest before I knew it I was out like a light.

I woke up because D was talking on the phone with someone I got up off of him and turned around

D- baby I'm leaving I'll talk to you later

I mumbled something and went back to sleep

D pov

Riah was sleeping so peacefully but I woke her up because Dee was calling me.

She rolled over the other side then. Ig she went back to sleep

Me- baby I'm leaving I'll talk to you later

Riah- eat more chicken hoe

Man this girl a trip always thinking about food

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