How it all began

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I was walking down the street. It was close to my school. I started to realized that I was late for school so I started to run, but I bumped into someone.....I look up to see a handsome boy around my age.

"Sorry." I apologize to him, bowing down quickly.

"Wat-" he said before he stop mid-sentence, looking up at me.

"It's ok." he said while smiling at me.

I look at the time on my phone. It was 9:00am, school started at 7:30am "Damn it, I'm already more than an hour late. What am I going to do? How embarrassing could my first day be.."

"Oh no, I really got to go right now." I shouted out suddenly, and my the panic expression started to show. I quickly looked back up at him. "I'm sorry about bumping into you, but I really have to go now." I said as quickly as possible without waiting for his answer as I quickly bowed again before I headed my way as quickly as I could.

Boy P.O.V

I was walking home, I was on my phone when I felt someone hit my chest. My phone almost fell out of my phone, but I held onto it tightly before it could even start to fall.

I aggressively look up at the random person that had ran and bump into me.

"Sorry." the person apologized. The person voice sounded like they were in a hurry.

"Wat-" I said, but while I was looking up at the person. I saw a very pretty girl, her beauty was very stunning, it was.. to the could call it breath-taking.

"It's ok." I said smiling at her.

I never smiled for so long, after my parents had died. I became a cold, rude, killer. I don't know what happened, but this girl had changed my mood from completely being a heartless male to a joyful smiling fool. I haven't felt like this for so long.....then she yelled, which had startling me a bit, but I didn't show it.

"Oh no, I gotta go right now." She yelled and then started to panicked, she look back at me. "I'm sorry, I have to go now." She said before running off.

As she ran off, i slowly raise the tip of my fingers to my lips that was still grinning a bit. I looked behind me as I watch her ran off before I could see her in the distance anymore. I snapped out of the weird joyful feeling.

I went back home still thinking about this gorgeous looking girl that had been on my mind while I was walking. I went straight to one my brothers, I knew he could find information about this mysterious girl that had been on my mind for the last hour.

I found him in his room on his computer playing his video games, he stared intensely at the screen clicking his mouse multiple times and he mumbled a few words that only he could hear.

"Hoseok, could you help me research about a girl that I bump into this morning?" I asked him as I came in.

He flinched a bit before clicking the "X" button on his tab.

He quickly turn around, taking his headphones off looking at me before replying  to me with a "Why?". He raised his left eyebrow, speaking in a low voice. You could see some of his hair sticking out that showed he had woken up earlier. I could see the suspicious type of expression on his face.

"Shut up and look her up, would you?" I said more coldly and rolled my eyes becoming impatient.

"Ok, ok just chill a little." He said raised his hand up in a more protective manner. He turned around and then he turn to the computer and hacked the camera close to where both of me and the girl were standing.

"There." he said as he show me the computer with the footage of us together.

"Wow, you were smiling?!" he yelled looking surprised as he looked closer at the footage. He started to poked at his computer in a excited manner.

"GUYS, JIMIN WAS SMILING!!" he hollered as I heard footsteps rushing up the staircase assuming it was from all of my other brothers.

"WHAT, WHERE!!" They quickly push in as they yelled in unison. They got into J-Hope room at a incredible speed.

"OH MY, IS THAT A GIRL, I SEE?!?" Jin yelled looked back and forward between me and the computer.

"He fell in love~" Jungkook look at me with the type of eyes that showed he was teasing me, I rolled my eyes as I looked at the computer forgetting that my brothers were in the room.

"Shut up." I said to them as I kept looking at the photo as I zoned out.

Jungkook just ignored me and kept on look at the camera, he focused on where I and the girl was positioned in the camera.

"J-hope find out, who she is for me." I said in a order tone.

"Ok." he simply replied back to me.

He did what he was told and told me the information

"Her name is Y/N, she live alone in a apartment close to here, she is 16 years old (by the way jimin is 17 years old in the story) she goes to school at (school name) she has 2 siblings and her parents are poor." He told me facts about the girl as I looked at him.

"Enroll me for the school, she goes to." I said after deciding to go to the same school as her.

"Ok- WAIT WHAT?!? I thought you hated school?" he quickly turn to me looking even more shock than before.

"Just do it." I said annoyed.

"Oh and do it as soon as possible." I said then left
Hoseok room. I went to mine room and shower then changed and then started to look for her social media.

"She is so cute and beautiful." I thought

Then I fell asleep as I smiled,

First chapter is done, yay, thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you will read the next chapter, bye.

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