I Have Arrived

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Edd's p.o.v
So far, I have been on this miserable planet for exactly one week, and I have discovered nothing interesting and new about humans. I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake coming here. Everyone is irritating and I have the urge to mess with them, they are so funny when their upset.

I have been living here with an undercover identity, I now go by the name of Eddward Vincent, I made it up.
I heading towards the 'kitchen' when I stepped on something that made a loud crunching noise. I looked down to see I stepped on a thing that humans call chips for whatever reason. I groaned and picked it up.

"Why must you be so disgustingly filthy?" I said with a scowl.

"Are you *BuRp!* gonna finish that your royal highness?"

"Belphegor, I would appreciate it if you would be more tidy."

"Yeah, and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be such a prude." He said with an ugly snarl. "Oh man, human food is good!" He said shoving more food in his mouth. "Want some?" He said waving a donut in my face.

"Ugh! Gross! Of course not! I will not partake in such repulsive activities." I said pushing his hand away from my face.

Father forced me to take Belphegor with me on my trip to earth. He is one of the seven princes of hell, but because of his ranking is bellow my father and must follow his command. I begged him to let me go alone, but he refused to listen to my pleas. His behaviour is disgusting and I do not know how long I can spend with him. For as long as I am on earth he will be my 'room mate', he will go by the name Eddy Reese and will be attending the same school as me as of Monday. I didn't know it would be so difficult adjusting to the human way of life, I thought they had things much simpler than us demons. There is little to no magic or dark energy here so I have taken on a human form. My ears have rounded like a humans and I became a few feet shorter. My fangs are gone, my wings are gone, my tail is gone, it's all gone. My powers are not as strong as they once were in the underworld, which gives me this negative emotion which I cannot quite explain. I've never felt anything like this before, I haven't felt anything before besides anger, hunger, lust and disappointment. And I don't think this feeling falls into any of those categories.

Belphegor has taken on a human form as well, back home he had these horns, a tail, razor sharp claws and teeth that can cut through just about any substance, usually the flesh of a mortal. He had pointed ears and a muscular physique and the sight of him was enough to terrify even the bravest of souls. Although, he is nowhere near as terrifying as my father, they tremble in his presence. And no one is nearly as horrifying as the one and only Satan, humans drop dead like flys when they catch a glimpse of him and his capabilities. I wish to be like them, but not like Belphegor, he is plain old gross. One day I will rule over my own section of hell, that is my dream, I wish for that to come , if only it would arrive sooner.

Belphegor sprawled himself across the couch with a bag of popcorn resting on his belly. His human form was less appealing indeed. He was a short man with slick dark hair, brown eyes and large gut. His horns, nails, tail, fangs and everything that showed the real him was gone. You would not believe that he was a prince of hell. You would never believe that we were princes of hell, not in this state. We look like peasants, worthless mortals. But I can't let this change my mind, I made my decision to stay here and study these interesting beings, learn their ways, be entertained by their foolish shenanigans. Mortals were a demons greatest source of entertainment, they were our play things, it was fun to get into their heads, see what makes them tick. I'm finally here on earth, with so many humans at my disposal.

This was going to be fun.

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