Chapter 3

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(Discord's P.O.V)

"Celestia, what have you done?" I murmured to myself. The God Of Chaos and The Princess Of The Sun are polar opposites. She had even turned me to stone many millennia ago. Did that hate still reside in her heart? was she just leading me on so she could utterly destroy my heart later? If that was true then she wouldn't have my heart! But, what if that wasn't her intention?

"Relationships are so confusing!!!" I grumbled, dipping a donut into my chocolate milk. I took a bite and stared at an old photo. A photo of Celestia and me as children. Her mane was pink and we sat together on a cliff. Luna was the one who took the photo. We all had used to be best friends, were did I go wrong? Even then, I had felt.... different around Celestia than the other foals. She had always been the nicest to me. Laughter had always shown in her eyes.........

"Discord, I'm here for our tea party." the yellow filly's soft voice whispered outside the door.

"Come In, Fluttershy!" She peeped her head in and slowly opened the door. her eyes drifted to my paw, which had the photo in it's grasp.

"Discord, what's that?" I glanced at the picture.


"Are you-"

"It's just an old photo of me and a friend. nothing important." I quickly shoved the picture into a drawer and closed it. I hoped she hadn't seen it.

"Awww, how sweet!" she cooed. We walked outside together and laid a blanket on the ground. She then carefully took her time placing put everything she had brought. The napkins, the cups, and the lovely food were all placed down with a snap of my fingers.

""I hope you won't mind Twilight's new castle."

"Oh not at all! I can't believe we each got our own throne either! So much has happened over the last two years."

"Try a few millania."

"What was that?"

"Nothing dear Fluttershy. More tea?"

"I'd apperciate it, thanks!" She gave me her adorable smile and I pored her some more tea. Celestai and I used to sit and talk like this. Things just could never be the same between us, could they? Could we ever be,.. friends?

"Fluttersy, I think it's time I try to become friends with other ponies. Ponies that you aren't already friends with."

"oh, do you have somepony in mind?"

"I...I want to be friends with Princess Celestia."

"That shoulsn't be very hard." She stood up and took me by the paw, "C'mon. We have lessons to do."

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