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Sorry its been awhile I have been busy but here is a chapter for all of yall.

Nya's POV

The pains of the cuts were stinging. but that is not what bothers me.


Lloyd pulled the dagger out of my stomach and aimed for my right arm. He was cutting it. I felt words being cut through my weak arm as I screamed in pain. It wasn't until I looked at what he wrote that scared me. "Worthless"  

"You think you can fool me. You are nothing compared to me, all you have been was Kai's little sister and you will be nothing else." Lloyd said 

"Stop please" I pleaded, but he did not listen

He kept cutting me until a loud boom came from the door with four figures coming towards me.

End of Flashback

"Jay I'm ...... Fine...... there is someone in a cage..... please get him out. he looks like he's dying." I said trying to move.

Kai nodded and went to find the boy I have encontured. Jay was still holding me in his arms crying. His tears were landing on my face, I know he was scared to lose me. I grabbed my locket the king gave me and handed it to Jay. He was confused.

"I can't do this Jay, I can't be the ruler of ninjago I am not ready for that." I said

I started putting water on my wounds and looked at Jay.

"You are fine. I will be here every step of the way." Jay said

Kai came back with a boy on his back. He had blonde hair, with a green ninja gi on , and chains around his wrist.


Jay's POV

"Two Lloyds how can that be?" I asked

I picked up Nya and put her on my back still holding her locket. We took the real Lloyd and Nya back to the bounty and started to head to Wu's old tea shop for some random reason. I bandaged Nya's arm, but every time I wrapped it she moaned. The fake Lloyd cut her up good, some of them could become scars. Nya has been through so much I felt so bad.

"you okay" I said 

"Yeah, um Jay I think I am ready to tell them about what happened and what's next for our future" She  said while sitting up in her bed.

"I'll bring them in" I said while I got the rest of the team.

" So you are all wondering why we have asked you to this meeting today after all that's happened in the past week so me and Jay are coming out clean to you guys." Nya said

" Me and Jay just found out recently that I was pregnant for two months until it became a miscarriage." She said tearing up but I decided to say the rest of it for her.

"That was the only shot of her having a kid, but once we went to the doctor about it they reveled to  us that Nya can not have children." I said disappointed.

I looked back at Nya who was crying her eyes out, she is way to emotional about this sort of topic and I was trying to keep a strait face. I looked at everyone else in shocked, Kai walked up to his little sister and hugged her crying with her too. Cole and Zane had their eyes closed never knowing what we have gone through. But Lloyd he whimpered. "I'm so sorry I had no idea that you were in that situation, it was all my fault I put her in the tough spot I didn't know..." 

"Its okay Lloyd, I wasn't planning on having kids anyway." Nya said

I looked at Nya, I know she was lying but I think that was a good choice of words.

" But I have some good news to replace all of this sadness." She said lifting up her right hand with a diamond ring on her ring finger.

"Jay proposed, we're getting married!" 

Well that answers some questions about this mess again sorry for short chapter ,I have horrible timing. I will see you all in my next chapter bye!!

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