So In Love With Two

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I groaned and slowly sat up. I looked at the clock and groaned.


"I'M UP MOM!!!!!"  I yelled. 

I got up and made my way to my bathroom.  I looked into the mirror and smiled at myself. I turned on the shower and stripped then stepped in. I did my normal rountine and got out. I wrapped a towel around my hair and waist and brushed my teeth. Then made my way over to my bed and put on my bra and panties. I walked over to my closet and picked a simple simple. I picked up my black ripped skinnies,  a blue tank top, my black Compton snapack, and blue and black jordans. I grabbed my backpack and keys then headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Morning ma!" I said then pecked her cheek.

"Morning sweetie. Want some breakfast?" She asked.

"Nah! Peevey and I will get something on the way." I said then pecked my baby brother on the head.

"Hey Za! How's my baby bro doing?"  I asked.

"Fine, are you picking me up after school?" Za asked.

"Of course honeybunches! Now, I have to get going!" I said then ran out the house.

 Wassup, I'm Tia!  I'm your average teen. I'm actually that quiet, fun-loving, sweet, caring, and creative girl but I'm a tough chick and I don't take nobody's shit. I'm a senior in high school and loving it! I have a couple of friends but my ride or die is Derek Peevey. Peevey is one grade younger from me. And let me tell you, he dat ass funny and speaks his mind on anything and everything, that's why he my best friend. Sometimes we are to hard to handle. We met when he first came to Compton High as a freshman and I was a sophmore. Anyways!!!!

I got into my blue Audi r8 and pulled out. "Diva" by Beyonce was blasting as I pulled up into Peevey's driveway. I pulled out my white I-Phone 5 and texted him letting him know I'm here.Three minutes later, he finally came out. He opened the passenger dorr and got in.

"What took yo ass so damn long!?" I asked as I pulled  out.

"The question is what took yo ass so long!" He said. 

"My ass woke up late! Problem?!" I said.

"Thats my answer to your question!" He said then we laughed.

"Did you eat anything?" I asked. 

"Hell nawl, you know my daddy can't cook worth shit!' He said. I giggled.

"Well, we going to McDonalds. We already late so...." I said. 

We pulled up to McDonalds and went to the drive-through and ordered our food. We pulled out and headed to school. I parked the car and we hopped out then walked into school. 

"I'm so glad Christmas break is a months away!" Peevey said then did a happy dance. I laughed.

"I know right! I need a break from this damn school!" I said then opened my locker.

"Lookie at who is down the hallway!' Peevey said then turned his head. I looked and blushed. It was Michael Stevenson the most sexiest guy to ever walk in the school. Along with his bestfriends Christopher Brown, Aubrey Graham, Sean Anderson and Tremaine Neverson, and Shad Moss.  

"I swear to god I want to fuck every single one of them." Peevey said. I giggled then grabbed my Spanish book.

"I know you do. You can stare at them in art class." I said.

"See you later!' He said then hurried to class. I giggled and  shook my head then closed my locker. I turned around to see Michael looking at me. I blushed then headed off to Spanish.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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