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Anxiety is defined as a feeling of worry or nervousness or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome
Anxiety is not leaving the house to go the store because the idea of seeing anyone freaks you out
Anxiety is leaning against a wall
Not in the middle
Not in a corner
But about three quarters of the way along a wall
For an easy escape, but making sure you aren't center of attention
Anxiety is feeling your chest tighten
Every time you remember you have to talk to people
Anxiety is making sure you have exact change as you go up to the counter so you don't have to make anyone wait
Anxiety is realizing you had the wrong change and panicking for the rest of the day
Anxiety is listening to the words muddle in your mouth as you try to speak

and listening in horror as they come out choppy and wrong

Anxiety is waiting for someone to turn in their test before you do so you don't embarrass yourself

because maybe someone is looking at you

Anxiety is staying in your seat even though you really have to blow your nose
Anxiety is the inability to sleep before a big event and imagining all of the things that could possibly go wrong
Anxiety is going through every situation that could possibly occur at a big event
Anxiety is never going first and never last
Anxiety is being unable to speak about something because it freaked you out
Anxiety is dreading the moment test scores come out because even if you did well you think you didn't
Anxiety is being unable to study for a test because your worried about the test
Anxiety is falling to pieces because you have an unplanned conversation
Anxiety is not speaking up when you were trying to talk to someone but another person came up to talk too and you don't want to interrupt
Anxiety is all those times when you go over your actions of the day to make sure you weren't to obsessive or needy
Anxiety is wanting to cry because you can't do anything to help even though it's all you want to do
Anxiety is being unsure if someone dislikes you because you're too annoying
Anxiety is freaking out when your friends seem upset and blaming it on yourself even when you haven't seen them in days
Anxiety is being sure everyone is looking at you because you dropped something
Anxiety is having no fucking clue what to do with yourself anymore
Anxiety is watching things pass you by and being too scared to jump in
Anxiety is too common
Anxiety is a bitch

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