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I haven't been speaking to Jungkook and nor has he been speaking to me since he's always with Seolmin.

I sat in class waiting for the bell, and since form was only about 20 minutes it would go past fast.

The couple were still being loud af so me using my brain for something relevant for once, i put on my headphones to block out their squeals and laughs.

I decided that using Taehyung would be a bad idea since him and Jungkook and i don't want my jealousy to ruin they're friendship.

Maybe just maybe Namjesus will help me move on, but i don't know how that is going to play out because I still love Jungkook and since I see him everyday, my feelings for him increase.


The bell finally went and stopped my trail of thoughts.

Seconds later my teacher came in with a student beside her, he was beautiful and when i say beautiful i mean BEAUTIFUL.

But not enough to meet my Jungkook standards.

I already saw half of the girls drooling, and i quickly took off my headphones.

The new boy seemed to be glaring at someone so I turned my vision to where he was looking and to my surprise he was glaring right back at Jungkook.

"Ok class we have a new student joining our school, please introduce yourself." she said and sat down in her seat while she watched the boy speak.

He had stopped glaring at Jungkook and just looked around the room I still had my poker face even though inside i was screaming.

"Hello my name is Cha Eunwoo."

All the girls squealed.

"Please be quiet!" The teacher raised her voice and all the girls stopped.

"You can sit next to Lulu, please raise your hand"

Wait what?

You were confused but followed her instruction.

You were watching him as he sat down next to you.

~after a few minutes~

You looked around the room and saw that Jungkook was death glaring at Eunwoo, while Eunwoo was glaring back.

You took this chance to try and get his attention to make Jungkook jealous.

"Hey, Eunwoo, so where did you move from?" I said making him turn his head and look at me while i gave a him a smile while having my face in my hand.

"I moved from Busan." He said and I nodded and then realised that is where Jungkook came from.

I need to stop thinking about him.

"It seems you know Jungkook and I'm sure i'm right since you both come from Busan right?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's an old friend." Eunwoo said a bit loudly gaining Jungkooks attention and Jungkook glared at Eunwoo again.

"It doesn't really look like it." I giggled and I felt Jungkooks gaze fall into me as a laughed with Eunwoo.

I then started hearing Seolmins voice "Why are you looking at Lulu, look at me."

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