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Time passed, and it was finally the day when Seirin basketball team would have their practice match with Kaijo basketball team. The students marveled at the huge building when they walked past the main gate.

"This place is huge." said Hyuga. "You can really tell when a school is devoted to its athletics."

"Kagami-kun, the look in your eyes is worse than usual." noted Kuroko when he saw the said boy's bloodshot eyes.

"Shut up." he scolded, turning away from him. "I was a little too excited."

"What are you, a kid going on a field trip?" remarked Kuroko.

"What'd you say?" snapped Kagami.

"That's not good, Kagami." scolded Yasu lightly. "You're gonna get tired easily in the match later."

"Don't worry about it." he assured confidently.

"Hey, guys!" called Kise, wearing a black tank top and orange shorts, as he ran towards them. "This place is big, so I thought I'd come get you."

"Thanks, Kise." said Yasu with a smile.

The girl slightly flinched when the boy got near to her ear, and whispered, "Remember, you still have time to think about my offer, 'kay?" He then walked over to Kuroko, ignoring Kagami. "Kurokocchi, ever since you and Yasucchi turned me down, my invitation to join us, I've been crying into my pillow every night."

"What's wrong with him?" asked Hyuga, watching Kise's odd behaviour.

"Just show us the way." said Kagami impatiently.

"Yasucchi is the only girl who turned me down." wined the yellow-haired boy as he looked at the said girl with a sad pout.

"Are you ignoring me?" questioned Kagami, annoyed.

"Could you stop being so sarcastic?" asked Kuroko, already seeing through Kise's true expression.

That was when Kise stopped and became more serious. "I'm interested to know more about the guy who's making Kurokocchi say those things." he said, standing in front of Kagami. "I don't care much about being called the Generation of Miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge. I'm not mature to let it slide. Sorry, but I'm going to crush you with everything I have."

Kagami only grinned back. "Sounds good." he said, accepting the challenge.

Kise then led Seirin to the gym where the Kaijo's basketball team players were practising, which meant that they would only be using half the court, much to their surprise. Just then, Kaijo's coach noticed them as he looked up from his clipboard. "You're here." he said. "Welcome. I'm Coach Takeuchi." He looked around and noticed that all of them were students, and no adults were among them. "Which one of you is the coach?"

"That's me." said Riko.

"You?" he asked with disbelief. "You're not the manager?"

"I'm the manager." said Yasu, raising her hand to him.

The man's remark irritated the coach, but she let it slide and stepped forward to introduce herself. "I'm Coach Aida Riko!" she said before bowing to him. "We look forward to playing with you today!"

"Oh, yeah..." said Takeuchi, placing a hand on the back of his head.

"So..." said Yasu, looking over at the students practising on the other side of the court. "What is this?"

"Exactly what it looks like." he replied. "We've only made simple arrangements for today's game."

"Arrangements?" repeated Riko questioningly. Yasu could tell she was angry but tried to hide it by faking a smile.

That Manager - Kuroko no Basuke (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now