Ch.1 School

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(Indiana Evans with waist length hair. plays Mila, if you don't know what she looks like, look up her picture)
Mila's POV
Class is boring, like usual. I only have 3 things with Hayley, Jenny and Penny. That's Homeroom, Lunch ,and English.
Homeroom is at the beginning of the day, Lunch is in the middle of my day, and English is at the end of my day.
I had my catchers glove and a baseball with me all day, because of my boredom I would usually throw the ball to myself, during class, which wasn't a problem because I sat in the back corner and I already knew all of what we were learning.
I zoned out and was looking at the window.
The teacher noticed and decided to call on me.
"Mila, what is the solution to X?" She questioned.
I looked at the board behind her and quickly solved it.
"X =r+y/s" I replied easily.
The teacher looked at me kinda shocked I knew the answer but blew it off.
The bell rang.
"Mila, can I talk to you for a minute?" My teacher asked I was annoyed but went up to the front of the class.
"Yes?" I asked sarcasm dripping from my mouth.
"I have noticed you not paying attention in class..." she started.
"If I get the question right, isn't that all the matters? Besides it's the last day of school, what are you going to do?" I asked annoyed and confronting her.
"I'm going to be taking this away..." she said grabbing my glove.
Now I was mad, no one touches my glove, Hayley, Penny and Jenny aren't even allowed to touch it.
"Give me back my glove..." I said calmly.
"No, it's mine for the rest of the day." She replied smirking.
"You have no right to keep it, so either you give it back, or I will get you fired, from the district." I threatened.
"And how do you plan on doing that?" The teacher asked.
"Taking personal property, hazing in class, and threatening me when I've done nothing to you except answer your dumb ass questions." I said annoyed and taking my glove out of her hands and walking out of the classroom without another word.
I walked to my English class, my last class.
I was late but I didn't care.
I walked in practically slamming the door open.
"Miss Goodfare your late, do you have a pass?" He asked stopping the movie we were watching, "Romeo and Juliet"
"No sorry Mr. Bertch, Miss Siler forgot to write me one..." I apologized quickly.
"That's alright, take your seat, we're watching Romeo and Juliet." He told me and I nodded taking my seat next to Hayley.
No one was to my left so I propped my feet on the chair and leaned back in my own.
Jenny and Penny were in front of us.
"Mila, Miss Siler hates you, where were you really?" Hayley asked quietly.
"Telling her off, she took my glove so I threatened to have her fired, then I grabbed my gloves from her hand and walked out of the class to here." I explained laughing a little.
Hayley hit my shoulder.
"Mila!" She whisper yelled.
"What She's had it coming." I defended myself and we looked back at the movie.
"Romeo, oh Romeo. Were for art though Romeo." Juliet said on the screen.
I lied back and tried to pay attention but my mind just kept going back to softball.
Finally the bell rang.
I walked with Hayley to her locker parting ways with Penny and Jenny for a few minutes, we grabbed Hayley's baseball glove and I grabbed my hat out of her locker that I often used because it was closer to all my classes.
We then started walking to the car where we would meet Penny and Jenny again.
Hayley walked a little in front of me.
I didn't see the boy that just walked out in front of me.
He hit my arm a little causing me to drop almost all my books and my Glove.
I bent down quietly and picked up my glove putting it on my math folder.
He watched me.
I straightened my hat and looked at him.
He watched me, Mouth Open a little.
He looked down at my stuff then back at me.
I repositioned my bag on my shoulder.
"Your supposed to say, "I'm sorry..."" I told him then waved my hands in front of his face.
"Earth to boy? Hello?" I said smirking a little.
He kept watching me then quickly snapped out of it and dropped his bike picking up my stuff.
"Thanks!" I said smiling.
He was still watching me.
"Your supposed to say, "your welcome...""" I said laughing a little.
He took a step or two back and kept watching me.
I heard the car honk.
I looked around him and saw my mom pull up.
"Mila let's go!" Hayley said pulling my arm.
"Bye." I said hitting his shoulder on purpose.
I ran with my stuff being pulled by Hayley.
She stopped me when we got to the car, we met up with Jenny and Penny where Hayley told them about my encounter with the boy.
While they were talking I turned and looked at him.
He was turned my way and was still looking at me.
I blushed a little and looked down as Hayley, Penny and Jenny talked about him.
Hayley pointed to him and they all started laughing.
I shook out of my trance.
"Guys, lets go." I said sitting on the back of the car.
I almost never sat in the actual seats, for reasons idk, it's just uncomfortable to me.
Hayley said one more thing and they all laughed.
I rolled my eyes and looked back over at the boy.
He was still watching me, but now there were 4 other people around him.
They were talking to him but he didn't seem to notice till one of them said something.
He looked back and my mom drove off.
I turned my head and looked at him one more time before he was out of sight.
We drove back to my house where Penny and Jenny were ganna stay the night.
I changed into a light pink bathing suit, everyone else following in tow.
I put on sunscreen, my sunglasses and hat then went outside.
I poured myself lemonade and sat down in the chair.
I heard yelling when Penny, Jenny and Hayley cane out here.
I waited for it to go away but it only got louder.
Like it was coming closer to us.
Then all of a sudden a kid jumped over the fence and into the pool.
"What the heck!" I yelled popping up.
"Help me..." the boy said once out of the pool.
"From what?" I asked confused.
I pulled the boy behind me as some other boys hopped the fence, they looked familiar.
Then they got out of the pool and stopped in front of me.
I recognized them all from the boys from school and the boy who ran into me was in front, he seemed like the leader.
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I said annoyed.
"What are you doing here?!" The chubby kid said.
"I live here, duh, why else would I be here?" I said annoyed.
"You live here? Next to the sandlot?" The leader asked.
"Oh so you can talk." I said laughing.
"Besides I don't know anything about a Sandlot, whatever that means, but this is private property, and your trespassing." I said smirking.
Hayley picked up our cat.
"That punk, blew up our dugout!" The leader said angry.
"Oh my, Hayley, he can yell too!" I said sarcastically, jumping up and down mockingly.
He rolled his eyes.
"It's none of you business anyway, just hand him over and we'll leave." The leader said.
I was debating.
The leader tried reaching behind me for the kid but I stepped forward.
"How about you leave before I call the police." I said sternly, and the leader stopped.
Suddenly I heard someone whistle.
It was one of the boys.
He started doing sign language and I understood some of it, like "fire, and dugout"
"The whole place is ganna burn down." The tallest one said.
"Can we use your hose?" He then asked me putting his hand on the leader and the chubby kids shoulders.
I "contemplated" messing around with them.
They kept pleading,
I looked at the leader for like 3 seconds then agreed.
"Ok go ahead..." I said and they ran to my hose opening the gate.
They ran as far as the hose could take them, then stopped and started spraying the water at the dugout.
They were all trying to do it at the same time.
Except the leader, he let the tall guy do it.
"Get off him, get off him." The leader said and they all eventually got off except the tall guy.
I was on the pool deck looking over the fence, laughing a little.
Hayley was talking to the kid and I heard her say he needed to be here early tomorrow.
The leader turned around and looked at me.
I smirked.
He glared at me a little and I could see his muscles flex because he was mad.
I pulled down my glasses and looked at him, I then pushed up my sunglasses glasses.
He shook his head a little at my pettyniss and smiled a little.
I gave him an innocent smile and he glared again.
I turned around and walked back down the stairs smiling to myself a little.
Hayley, Penny and Jenny were all staring at me.
"What?!" I asked confused and completely oblivious.
They all shook their heads and I yelled at them to tell me but they just ran inside.
I followed them in but they never told me what it was.

Mila GoodfareWhere stories live. Discover now