Ch. 2 The Deal and The Game

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The next morning Hayley woke us all up early.
She told us to get dressed in our softball stuff and to get our gloves and bats.
We did so and she met the kid outside.
We ran to the sandlot through the gate and Hayley started pitching to me.
I can play every position you want me to including pitcher but I prefer Catcher because I can scare batters with how hard I throw to 2nd and 3rd.
I can also get them paranoid, with the way I bat.
People say I'm like a mini Babe Ruth, but I don't think I'm that good.
I heard bike chains rattle and I knew the boys from yesterday were back.
They were in for a surprise, Penny and Jenny redid the entire dugout. Personally I would've thought Blue would have been a better color, but they liked orange so I let them do it.
Johnny, the kid ran out of the sandlot to my backyard when the boys came in, hoping they wouldn't see him.
Gladly they didn't.
Hayley stopped pitching and I told her to pitch it one more time.
Penny knew what I was doing and grabbed her glove throwing it on a sprinting the center field.
Hayley pitched it and I jumped up throwing off my mask and chucking it to where Penny was still running. 
She caught it but only barely as it almost went over her head.
It wasn't even a hard throw, if I wanted to throw it hard, It would've gone over the fence.
The boy looked at me mouth open.
We all walked up to the mound where Penny threw me the ball and I threw it to myself a few times as the chubby kid talked.
"What are you doing here?!" He yelled.
I mocked him using my hands.
"You said that yesterday, is that all you know how to say?" I asked smirking making the girls laugh.
"Besides, none of your business." I said mocking the leader, smirking and holding the ball.
I threw it hard into my glove making me hand sting a little but it scared them.
"Your not allowed to be here." The leader said.
"Oh look, he not only know how to talk and yell, he can be assertive too..." I said smirking making The girls laugh again.
"And plus we have as much right to play here as you do." I said tossing the ball again, this time catching it bare handed.
"Play what?" The leader asked like he was taking loony pills.
"Baseball you bozo" I replied holding out the ball.
"Are you taking loony pills?" The chubby kid asked.
"What's That supposed to mean?" Hayley asked annoyed.
"Thats a softball, squishy for girls." He started, then reached into his pocket taking out a ball.
"This is a baseball, what men play with." He said holding it out.
I laughed.
"Then what are you doing with one? Oh right! You were holding onto it for your brother weren't you? Because that's about the size of your brain girly"  I said mockingly.
Us girls laughed and I looked at the leader.
"Well..." He said looking at me too.
"Well what?" I asked mockingly.
"Leave already!" He yelled.
"No ." I said laughing.
They all groaned.
"Look Doll, this is a baseball diamond, we come here to play a series game of baseball. You and your friends should go home and play with your barbies before you get hurt." The chubby said, calling me Doll.
"Are you threatening us?" Hayley asked.
"No. Sugar, he just means it's a bad hobby, and you could get hurt, being like girls and all."
The kid with and Afro said "sugar coating" it
"Guess what, I don't have barbies I have medals, trophies, baseball cards, baseballs, bats and gloves sitting around my room, would you like me to get a bat to hit you with?" I asked annoyed, putting my hands on my hips.
"And your a male chauvinist pig, being like a boy and all." Hayley added.
They all stepped back.
"I told you, their liberated." The Afro kid said to the leader.
"Yes we are and we can do anything you can do, better." I replied.
"This is a baseball! Same as that." I said pointing to the baseball the chubby kid had.
The chubby kid handed the tall one the baseball, and walked up.
"For the love of Pete are you deaf!?" He yelled walking closer.
He turned around, "sorry fingers" He said to the shortest.
He signed, 'it's ok'
He grabbed the ball out of my glove touching it.
I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him towards me.
I got in his face and said, "don't touch my glove"
I pushed him back and he started insulting the ball...
"This is not a baseball! It's a Softball! My 3 year old sister could hit this grapefruit! With a souvenir dodger pack! And if you pitch it 60 miles per hour!" He insulted it.
I laughed sarcastically, mocking him.
Then I smirked and looked at Hayley who nodded.
"I bet you couldn't hit it..." I said smirking.
He turned around.
"Say what?" The Afro kid said.
"I don't bet trash, I burn it." The chubby kid said. I smirked.
"What did you just say?" The leader said shocked.
"I bet we can strike him out with 3 pitches." I bet.
"If we do, we stay you leave, if we don't you stay we'll leave." I added.
"Your Serious?" Tubby asked.
"Like Gloria Steinem." I replied.
"Your on Dollface." Tubby said throwing me the ball again.
"Only condition..." the tall guy started.
"You pitch..." he added.
"Deal." I said smirking.
Penny got behind the plate as Jenny and Hayley went to the dugout.
I did a few practice pitches making it look like they weren't that hard.
Penny smirked when she saw what I was doing.
They came back and tubby was wearing an army helmet?
Boy are so weird.
Then they started debating weather or not to take the deal.
The leader was the last to decide, he would be the tie breaker.
He looked at me glaring a little, I glared right back.
Then he nodded taking my deal and I smirked.
Tubby got in the batters box and got in his stance.
"Don't blink..." Penny said warningly like I did when Hayley pitched.
I wound up and pitched fast. Yep he blinked.
"Come on pitch it already..." He said standing up.
Penny showed him the ball and he started going off tasting how pitching underhand was illegal.
All us girls walked up to the plate.
The boys started scolding Tubby and I smirked turning around when they were looking at us.
"Hey! You can't do that underhand pitch thing, it's against the rules of baseball." Tubby told us.
"No it's not, there's no rule against it so it's legal and fair." Penny explained as we laughed.
We turned around me showing them my Diamond diggers logo, on the back of my uniform, hearing the scold the kid again.
We turned around as I heard the leader say, "no we're not."
He grabbed the bat and walked towards home.
"Pinch hitting! It's legal and fair." He replied smiling, mocking Penny.
"Yeah totally legal! And fair!" Tubby yelled.
"It's not like you could do it yourself!" I yelled back at Tubby.
"It's ok guys, I got it. That last pitch wasn't even hard." I told them, and Penny got behind the plate again.
I tightened my hat on my head and pitched it as hard as I could, foul ball.
This happened about 40 times and we were taking a break.
My shoulder was sore and I knew I had to ice it soon or else I would throw it out.
I told Hayley and she grabbed her ice water.
She told me to take off the top of my uniform because I had a sports bra on under it and it would be like a bathing suit, so I took it off and she pressed the ice on my shoulder blade.
Penny grabbed her water and pressed it in between my neck, arm, and chest.
Jenny then poured her water on my shoulder making it feel a little better.
I would be good for about 20 more pitches, then I would be done and have to pitch with my left arm.
"Guys what if I pitched with my left arm?" I said turning to them all, facing where the boys were because the girls were facing away from them.
All the boys were looking at me wide eyed.
"That could work..." Hayley said handing my my shirt again.
I put it on and I went threw the motions of left handed pitching.
Then I practiced.
When I got it up to my regular pitching speed I knew I had to do it.
I rubbed my right shoulder one more time as I looked over to the leader who was rubbing the blood from his hands from the wooden bat, rubbing on them.
I went up to the mound again, Penny getting behind the plate.
David walked up and got in his stance.
I pitched for another 10 minuets till I noticed it starting to eat dark.
"Well?" I said on the mound as he was taking another break.
"Well what?" He asked annoyed mocking me.
"I'm asking if you want to call it a game on account that it's ganna get dark soon." I told him and he smirked.
"If your too tired..." he said laughing.
"I didn't say I was tired!" I yelled and threw the ball as hard as I could towards his head.
He ducked just in time.
I stormed over to Hayley where she calmed me down.
"Uh guys maybe she should call it, until tomorrow I mean..." Jenny said and Tubby agreed.
"Hayley! Mila! Dinner time!" Our mom yelled.
"Forfit! That's a forfit!" Tubby yelled.
"David time to take your bath!" The leaders mom called, so his name was David...
"It's a draw then." Penny explained.
The boys grabbed their bikes and we walked to the gate.
"Fine tomorrow then! Little baby!" I yelled to David.
"Count on it spoiled brat!" He yelled back making me clench my fists like I do when I'm mad.
The next day rolled around and Johnny was with us in the dugout.
When the boys came we sent him to talk to them.
My right shoulder was stiff and it hurt to move it.
I had ice wrapped around my entire shoulder.
I also had a bathing suit top on so I could just put on my shirt whenever.
The boys grabbed Johnny making me stand up, and them stare at me.
Then I saw David point at me and Johnny looked back at us a little nervous.
He turned back around and they talked again.
David told him to tell us to leave and we kept saying no.
Then Johnny collapsed by them.
I was about to run to him, to help but Hayley held me back.
I sighed and stepped back a little.
Johnny shook his head and David turned around angry.
I faintly heard what they were talking about.
"If they were boys we could beat them up." Tubby said.
"Well they ain't and we can't..." David said turning  around again.
"I have an idea..." Johnny started then stood up.
I couldn't hear anymore after that but David looked mad and turned around again.
He then turned his head and looked at me.
I wasn't in the mood for being petty today so I just looked at him a little sad but I don't know why, it might've been because I was mad, or he was...
He turned to Tubby, and showed him to the pitchers mound where we sent Jenny.
They talked for a minute and then Jenny shook his finger after he spit in his hand.
"We have to play with them?!" I yelled outraged.
Jenny nodded.
Now I was the one who was mad.
When they came in the dugout they ate cookies and orange juice...
David was looking at me the entire time.
I ignored everyone and sat in the corner throwing the ball up and down to myself.
The tall kid started making small talk with Hayley, Penny and Jenny.
David scolded him.
Then kicked Afro kid and rolled his eyes, telling them all to shut up.
"Anyway, this is Jenny and this is Penny. I'm—" Hayley started but they cut her off.
"Hayley Goodfare, we know." They said and I laughed a little.
"And this is Mila, my younger twin sister." Hayley introduced me and I rolled my eyes.
David spoke up, looking at me.
"This is Tarkel, Mac, Saul and His brother Sam, we call him fingers, he's deaf, just look at him when you talk to him. He can read lips." David told us all.
Hayley smiled and said him.
I thought for a minute.
I looked at him as he was looking at me.
'Hi, I'm Mila, what position do you play?' I signed and he looked at me shocked.
He signed back.
'How do you know sign language?'
'I learned it a few years ago, I'm a little rusty...' I said and laughed.
So did he.
He seemed nice and everyone was staring at me like I was insane.
"Why does everyone always stare at me?!" I yelled and Hayley and Mac laughed.
Mac swept off the crumbs and said, "let's reck and order these turkeys." Referring to the team they had to play soon.
We got up and Penny helped me take off the ice on my shoulder, and I put my shirt back on.
We ran to catch up with the team.
I was running to fast, I ended up not being able to stop.
"Hayley!" I yelled as I passed her.
She started laughing as I ran past everyone and grabbed onto a sign pole turning myself around so I wouldn't go into the street.
Everyone but David was laughing.
I rolled my eyes and we went to a park where Singleton's team was practicing.
We all hung in the fence, watching.
Hayley, Jenny, and Penny stood together and I stood next to make in front of David.
Singleton missed the ball that was practically lobbed to him compared to me and Hayley.
He took off his helmet and straightened his hat.
"Hey Look Guys, it's the sandlot retards!" He yelled coming towards us.
I was about to go after him when David grabbed my hand keeping me from killing him.
I looked back and saw the look David was giving me so I backed down and he let go.
Singleton and his team ran up to the gate.
He took off his hat and shook out his hair.
I rolled my eyes and laughed looking back at David.
"You Guys bring your sisters to watch some real ball players?" Singleton asked catching my attention.
I clenched my fists.
David noticed and walked up next to me and grabbed my hand  putting it behind his back so no one saw.
"Shut your mouth Singleton." David said mad.
"Actually their here to watch me wipe home plate with that mop you call your hair." Mac said making everyone laugh.
"Sweeping up's all your good for dough boy, good thing your switching to softball." Singleton replied.
Mad, I tried to go after Singleton.
David grabbed both my hands and put them behind my back but I was still trying to go at him.
Seeing no other option, David picked me up and walked me back a few feet, setting me down.
He grabbed my hands as I tried to run past him.
"Hey, Hey, Hey, calm down, it's ok." He said and I calmed down and he walked me back to the group me glaring at Singleton.
Mac has an outburst to and the team had to hold him back.
Singleton smirked seeing us getting mad at what he was saying.
"Speaking is sweeping up, you girls keeping our new practice diamond all clean and tidy for us?" He asked us winking at me.
"Watch Your Mouth Singleton!" Mac yelled
This time David had to step in front of me to keep me from killing him.
I was clenching my fists so hard that I could feel it start to break the skin.
I wiped the blood on the back of my shirt where no one could see it then looked back to Singleton.
"Shut up porky." Singleton said.
"Lurch" They traded insults.
"Your mamma wears combat boots"
"Your mamma's so ugly when you were born they slapped her."
"Domer pile"
"Shut up porky!" Singleton said running out of insults.
"You already said that idiot!" Mac said calling him out.
"Yeah well your still fat moron"
"Your a fart smelling, road apple chewing, scab licking female dog!" Mac started and Singleton tried to intervene.
"I ain't done yet! Your ugly, your mamma dresses you funny! You stink like to fungus! And you ride the short school bus!" Mac yelled and everyone cheered but me. I was still pissed.
"Yeah well you play ball like a girl!" Singleton yelled making everyone stop.
I started laughing.
"No wonder your name is Singleton." I said putting enface on the single part.
Everyone laughed.
"Guess what Doll you should just stick to barbies, dresses and makeup because your probably about as good as an ant at playing baseball." Singleton replied.
"Excuse me, what did you say?" Hayley answered before I could.
"You heard me..." Singleton said.
"Friday! The sandlot! Be there male chauvinist pig." Hayley replied.
"Count on it, Tomboy." Singleton said like an insult.
He then looked at me.
I glared as he looked at me.
Then he grabbed my glove. And looked at it.
I tried to run after him but David held me back.
He implied he wasn't letting go.
So I turned around and started walking off.  Then when he least expected it, I started running towards the fence, climbing over it.
I tackled Singleton to the ground grabbing my glove and punched him in the gut.
"Don't ever touch my glove again!" I yelled and hopped the fence leaving him and all his friends shocked.
I started walking away, everyone following me.
We all went to the carnival to calm down that night, especially me and Mac.
I loved the carnival but I had a really big fear of dogs because one bit my foot when I was little and I couldn't walk on it for like 3 weeks and now I freeze when I see a dog.
We went into the Bigfoot exhibit.
I was kinda nervous when we walking in there.
I stayed with the group the entire time, Hayley, Penny and Jenny knew about my fear and were helping me a little but I was still kinda scared.
Saul told Mac to hit a button on some display and is showed a huge bear.
Reminding me of the dog that bit me.
I gasped and slid away from the group, unnoticed.
I ran outside and towards the bench.
I sat down and took off my shoes looking at my foot.
There was a deep scar in the snap of dog teeth in my skin.
I heard the door open again so I put my shoe back on quickly, it was David.
He ran down the steps towards the ticket booth where he pulled up his sock...
Everyone came out and ran over to David.
I just sat there on the bench a few yards away from them, still going unnoticed.
"Let's go get another soda and ride some rides" Mac suggested.
They started walking off.
Fingers said he had to go to the bathroom, and Saul let him.
I watched him go to the kissing booth...
I saw the lady go to give him a kiss on the cheek.
He grabbed her shoulders and twisted his head so he was kissing her on the lips.
I started running over there.
I saw the guy come around the stand and I grabbed Fingers shoulders and he let go, we started running away to a ride.
I saw the team get off the ride and Saul screamed, "oh my god!"
I told fingers to run and he did running to where he was supposed to meet Saul and the rest of the group.
I stopped in front of the guy, making him knock me over.
"Oh My God! Little girl are you ok?!" He asked picking me up.
I hit my head on the ground and had a headache.
I faked having a concussion.
"Why are there 6 of you?" I asked, acting loopy.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do?" He asked holding my shoulders.
I smirked.
"See ya!" I yelled waving a little then took off running towards the sandlot where I knew everyone would meet.
Although no one was there.
I walked inside my house and went to bed that night, alone.
The next morning I woke up with a searing headache, I took some medicine and changed, eating breakfast and brushing my teeth.
I put my hair into a high ponytail and grabbed my glove and bat walking out to the sandlot.
I started swinging my bat around waiting for everyone to get there.
Soon everyone showed up and I was upset but no one seemed to notice. They didn't ask me where I went last night and I was distancing myself more and more from them.
Fingers pulled me aside and behind the dugout.
He started signing.
'Where did you go last night? What happened?" He asked quickly.
I signed back.
'I went to the sandlot first but when no one was here I went back to my house and went to sleep.' I explained sadly.
'Thank you for saving me, I don't know what would've happened if you weren't there' he signed.
'It was nothing and it wouldn't have made a difference if I was there or not...' I said and he sighed shaking his head and going back around the dugout.
I waited a few seconds then followed him out.
Then I heard Singleton and his team arrive.
"Play Ball!" Mac yelled putting down his catchers gear.
I was at 1st and Hayley was pitching.
Saul was at 3rd, Fingers at shortstop, Penny at 2nd, Jenny in the outfield with Tark, and David.
"Don't blink." Mac warned Singleton.
Hayley pitched it and got a strike.
Mac was taunting him and Singleton was complaining about the way Hayley was pitching.
Hayley struck Singleton out and I looked over at David who was already looking at me.
I looked back at the next batter, not even smiling.
I laughed as Hayley struck everyone out
She walked up to me.
"Mila, what's up with you? Your way to quiet right now." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Was I too quiet last night?" I asked sarcastically.
She looked at me confused.
"Like when none of you noticed I was gone? Out of the Bigfoot exhibit, and later after I saved Fingers? You didn't tell me where you were going so I i went here, then home. I also have a concussion right now and your making my head hurt." I said and walked away, luckily she was the only person who heard me so I didn't seem like a complete bitch.

I waited for my turn to bat and with just my luck, the bases were full.

I lined up and waited for the pitch. 

I felt the ball hit the bat and I started running. Everyone else was home and I was rounding second, and heading for 3rd. 

The out fielder just got to the ball. 

Then I rounded 3rd and was heading for home.

The outfielder threw it to the pitcher and he threw it to Singleton who was the catcher. 

I knew what happened next. 

I saw David drop his helmet, watching me.

Singleton caught the ball and shuffled a little. Then he stuck his arms out with the ball and punched me in the gut making me fall to the ground, in pain. I didn't groan but I got up refusing the help from my sister and our friends. 

I walked back to the dugout where I threw my helmet in the corner. 

I saw David getting mad, which is weird because he never gets mad unless it's at me, or when Singleton says something.

He pulled Singleton up and punched him in the face, hard making Singleton groan.

Everyone came over to me when Singleton and his team left. 

They were all asking me questions but I ignored all of them. 

Hayley got up and started yelling at me.

"Mila you can't keep ignoring us!" she yelled making me stand up and everyone stopped talking.

"Oh I'm ignoring you guys?! What about last night when I disappeared?! What about after I saved Fingers, you guys never even told me where you went! I got a concussion and none of you noticed! none of you noticed when I was acting so weird today, You should have noticed at least when I wasn't talking to anyone or, wasn't trading insults with one of you!" I yelled then stormed out of the Sandlot crying. 

I ran to the school baseball field and started hitting balls into the fence behind home plate.

I then started throwing the ball as hard as I could into it. I heard someone behind me but I just threw harder, and harder, and harder, until...


My arm went limp and I fell to the ground in pain.

I just threw out my arm...

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