How could I forget my sunshine? -Oliver Sykes love story-

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The doors to starbucks pushed open to reveal another group of stupid teenage boys, they were the type that always turned up. Mostly to stare at one of the girls, She was the type of girl everyone noticed, One of those brilliant bodies with a great butt, and a tiny little waist with, well let's just say a chest. Her hair falling in curls at her shoulder, the type of curls that people spent hours getting perfect and look amazing, yet hers. They were natural. 

Then there was me. Oh let me guess? You assumed she was me? No not at all, I have one of those average, Kind of proportioned bodies and long slightly curled hair, one side shaved a little. See I'd grown up with that perfect girl. Yeah, she looks perfect but her personality is far from, I shouldn't say such thing's being her best friend but it was true. She always got the guy's however, It'd been assumed because of that, that I wasn't interested in having a boyfriend. I since then realized they were the least of my problems and my heavily tattooed arms caused me problem's finding a job.

"Look kid's, If you're not going to but something to drink, get out, As much as I appreciate my friend is what you see as hot, We're trying to work here, thank you goodbye" I spoke just loud enough for most of the shop to here, gaining those evil looks from the group of stupid boy's in-front of me. They soon shuffled out the door and I turned to face her grinning. Only to be confronted with a deep voice in my ear

"So wait a second? Those boy's enjoying looking at your friend, more than they do for you? "

Now most girls in that situation would have been flattered mostly, but not me, I was more confused towards the compliment. Quickly I spun my body, only to be confronted with possibly the biggest surprise of my life. My old best friend, from about six years earlier stood in-front of me 

"Oliver fucking Sykes! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I squeaked out hopping into his arms. 

I'd known Oliver since I was about seven, me and him had been close for years when he suddenly left. It had confused me so much the way he could just, leave me like that. I tried not to wonder too much but he'd been on my mind those long six years while he was gone.

"Where the fuck were you? Do you know how much I needed you?" I practically screeched at him. "Six god damn years Oliver and not one single text or phone call" I was yelling again causing various annoyed customers to look up from whatever they were doing. 

"Well hello to you too Izzie, I've missed you as well" he spoke that stupid goofy smile plastered on his face, he hasn't changed. You could tell it was him he was just more attractive now as covered in tattoos. I'd always found Oliver attractive, but now so did possibly thousands of beautiful  girls. 

"missed you? You expect me to screech that I've missed you when you took off for no reason?!" I could feel tears brimming my eyes but I ignored it.  "In fact yes, I did miss you because you left me alone" I mumbled the tears slowly slipping out my eyes. 

"Look I'm back now, and I won't leave again Izzie, please just understand that I had to go, I'll  tell you why one day" he mumbled back his arms slipping around my waist he then moved one hand to wipe the tears away. "I'm back now though and I won't leave you alone again" he mumbled into my hair as he held my close. I jut nodded in return not really knowing what to say now.

"if you ever and I mean ever do that to me again Oli, I'll.. I'll fucking murder you" I mumbled into his chest.

"well then I better not do it again" his tone was soft and jokey but I knew he wouldn't do it again. Well I hoped . "Remember best friends forever right? No matter what happens?" He spoke up and I rolled my eyes 

"shut up you doof" I mumbled into his chest , he always knew how to make me smile that's what   annoyed me. I could be having the most shit day, but Oli would always make it seem so much better."you're an idiot, but yes best friends forever" I commented quietly. He made me smile so much it was sweet. 

"Come on then silly lets go do something, anything in fact" Oli commented making me smirk. He grabbed my hand dragging me out of Starbucks.

"Oliver you idiot, I still have my apron on" I mumbled. I didn't care if they fired me, I guess I'd try for a tattoo artist a job that actually interested me. He chuckle untying it then walked inside

"She's coming out with me, cover for her will ya?" He spoke to Katie who stood there grinning and nodded at him. And with that he ran out to me grabbing my hand and pulling me along, and me doing nothing but following. I couldn't help but let my eyes wander down to our interlocked fingers. How much I'd missed having him drag me away from something particularly important to do something.. Stupid and childish, that's just what we were like. 

"So care to explain to me, Why my beautiful talented best friend is working in Starbucks?" Oliver questioned, Now slowing down, swinging our hands around wildly, He seemed just like old Oliver, How had he not changed at all? 

"I-" I began but cut myself off feeling embarrassed "It was the only job I could get really.. I mean later in the year I'll try for a tattoo artsit, but right now, that's the only job" 

Oliver gave my that eye-roll as if to say 'Bullshit' yet didn't speak up, we carried on walking swinging our interlocked fingers as he lead me, I wasn't sure where we were going, but I didn't care, I got to spend time with Oliver again.

He dragged me around as if I were some form of ragdoll, but I enjoyed it, of course I did, he was my best friend.    "Oliver where are we going? I feel like you've been dragging me for hours, this is tiring" I yawned out, he was still dragging me on a little adventure, I wasn't so pleased really. He knew how annoyed it made me, however I also had that feeling of excitment building up inside of me, I got lost in my thoughts mostly of him of course, As I thought i ran the tips of my fingers over his hand tattoos snapping out of my thoughts "So how come you suddently show up now? You've been gone for so long. I thought I'd never see you again" My voice croaked out. Oli looked over at me, obviously a little shocked I'd snapped out of daydream world 

"Well, I-" He began only to shut his mouth again quickly as if he was in thought, So he didn't trust me? Was that it "I needed to come back, I wanted to see my best friend!" He spoke, sounding almost confident but not quite, as if he was scared to tell me the truth, Pushing that thought to the back of my mind I looked up at him

"Well I'm glad you're back, If you leave again I'll murder you" I spoke out, He let out a soft laugh, it was incredibly comforting and made me smile. Oliver was back finally. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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