Turn 4: My Inferno Will Burn You Down!

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Arata was dragging himself on the wall. He feels sick, but doesn't know why. He then fell to the ground.

"Wh- what's happening?" he ask himself. "Why am I sick?"

'Arata.' said a voice.

"Er, what's that voice?! Why does it hurts!?"

'Come, my Arata.'

Arata stand up and go to a door. "In here?" as it opens, he saw Drachma stuck in a electric ball. "Why are you talking to me? Who are you?"

'Touch~ it.'

"Touch it? Okay." as Arata touch the Zeroth Dragon, it glows. "What the-!?" Artata then fell as the Zeroth Dragon fell to the ground as well.

Arata stands up for some reason. "Finally." he said weirdly.



Makoto was walking around wondering if Arata is okay.

"Come on Arata," he said. "Please be okay." Mokato saw Kai walk towards him. "Hey Kai, have you seen Arata anywhere?"

"No, I thought he was with you." said Kai.

"He should be here somewhere. I'll see you later." Makoto walks away. "Come on Arata, you got to be here somewhere." he then notice Arata walking down the halls. He ran over to him. "Arata, man am I glad your okay." he smile.

"Yes, never felt better." he smile.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I'm just glad I could here with you." he walks away.

Makoto follow him. "What's matter? One moment you heard a voice and later you felt sick. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just glad I could-" Makoto walks in from of them.

"I know your not him." said Makoto. "Why are you doing this?"

Arata strangle smile at him before putting his and put it in front of him.

"What about a cardfight, maybe you'll learn."

"A cardfight huh? Your on then." the game was et up. "Just who are you, another Apostles?"

"You don't know yet? I'm an Inferno monster you don't want to mess with. Zeroth Dragon Drachma."


"Let's get this game started."

They touch their Vanguards.

"Stand up-" they shout.

"Z-" Drachma continue.

"Vanguard." They turn their Vanguards face up.

"Disciple Stealth Rogue, Minosuke!" Makoto stand his Vanguard up.

"Child Dragon, Little Tyranno" Drachma stand his Vanguard up.

Makoto vs Arata/Drachma

5 - Hand - 5

0/6 - Damage - 0/6

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