Chapter 1

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[Oli's POV]

"Oskar, come on!" I called out as I held his leash, then whistled.

Once I did, my miniature pinscher, Oskar, ran in, wagging his tail as I laughed and attached his leash.

"Good boy, Oskar! Who's ready for the dog park?" I asked him, and he happily barks at me.

"Alright, let's go, mate," I said as we walked out of my apartment, seeing some movers putting boxes inside the empty one next door.

New neighbors I presume.

I guess after I come back with Oskar, I can welcome the new neighbors.

I then walked out as we headed out walking the 2 blocks to the park.

[Pandora's POV]

I watched as the movers got everything inside, and helped organize the furniture so they will leave me with the small things.

Once they left and I gave them their payment, I got Pixie out of her carrier to stretch her legs.

"Hey baby girl," I said as she stretched.

"How about we celebrate our new home with a walk to the dog park?" I asked.

She barked happily and I smiled.

"lrihgt, let me get your leash and a coat," I said, and I went to my suitcase and grabbed my hoodie, then hear Pixie whimpering as she looked at my scarred arm.

I bit my lip to hold back tears, then Pixie leaning up to lick my scars.

I smiel and kiss her head before pulling on my hoodie over my casual floral dress and then grabbed Pixie's leash, and we left to walk around the dog park for a bit.

Upon arriving, there was a gated area just for small dogs.

I smiled and decided to leave Pixie to run around for a bit.

"Go on a play, Pixie," I said.

She just sniffed around the grass as I wrapped up her leash, walking nearby as Pixie sniffed around to potty.

"OI, LOOK OUT!!!" a voice shouted and suddenly I feel an impact on the back on my head and it causes me to fall forward and into a pile of mud and... dog doo-doo.

Thankfully it wasn't face first and it only got on my clothes.

Pixie was barking and ran up to make sure as I okay as I nearly screamed.

"Oh fuck! Are you alright, miss?!" a British voice shouted.

"Oww, my head," I muttered, and looked down at my clothes all covered in feces and mud. "Oh, ewww!! Eww!!!!"

I got up and then once I did a black figure suddenly jumps oon me, getting more mud on me.

"AAAHH!!!" I screamed as I stepped back from the dog and accidently slipped back and fell in the mud puddle again and screamed.

"Oh fuck, here, let me help you," the British man said and before I know it, I feel arms helping me up and I immediatly begin to panic and thrashed and smacked the hands.

"No!" I screamed as I backed up.

"What's wrong?! I was only trying to help you, woman," the man, who I realized was a slender tattooed guy who had shaggy brown hair, snapped.

"I don't need you're help!!" I snapped, then spotted the little dog, a miniature pincher like Pixie, trying to play with ehr, but Pixie backing away as if afraid.

"Stop! Shoo!!" I exclaimed as I picked up my dog.

"Oskar means no harm, he's just making friends," the man said. "Look, are you alright??"

"I'm fine!" I snapped, then groaned as I looked down at my ruined clothing.

"Look, why don't I help you get cleaned up at my pl-"

"No! I said I'm fine!!" I snapped.

"Sheesh, woman, no need to get yer knickers in a twist!" the man snapped.

"Why shouldn't I?! You did knock me into the mud and pile of shit with whatever you hit me with, and then your dog tackled me!! I have every right to be upset, you bloody wanker!!" I snapped, trying to dust off.

"Now listen here, that was an accident!!" he snapped back.

[Narrator's POV]

While their owners bicker, Pixie and Oskar stared at each other for a long while.

Oskar had a dog grin that reached all acros his face as he panted.

Pixie had a happy look in her eye, but seemed more focused in her master, who did take some bad falls.

"Just leave me alone!!" Pandora snapped as she stormed away.

"Fine, bitch!!" Oli sneered, wiping some mud off of him, since while the two dogs were staring at each other, Pandora angrily flung mud at him before stompping away. "Come on, Oskar."

Oskar let out a bark as to say 'Bye!'

Pixie barked, too, as if replying before they both owners and their dogs went their seperate ways.

Little did they know, they were going to be closer than they thought.


Picture: Pandora

Decided to show you all a sneak peek of a cute story I'm going to be starting soon, starring:

*cues drum roll*


Also in this story is my baby, Mocha, who is playing the roll of Pixie (picture in the next chapter).

Note: One time I was searching up pics of Oskar, and Mocha wouldn't stop staring at Oskar. Meaning my dog is a Oskar fangirl. Weird, but AWWWWW!!!! :3

Be sure to vote and comment what you guys think and if I should continue or not!! :)

♡~ sapphire.

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