On a average Monday at Sky View high sChool.Eric walks out of the sCience lab with some books and being the person that keeps their head down, walks into Nathan in the hallway. Eric along with his books and phone fall to the floor. Nathan had looked at a small boy, that had walked in to him, the boy looks up with the most forest green eyes he has ever seen. Nathan helps the boy with the forest green eyes up to his feet.
The boy then quiCkly apologize to the boy standing in front of him with eyes as blue as the deepest water with grey speCs in them. They look at eaCh other for what felt like an eternity only to be a minute.
The other joCks see this, then says "Is this your new boyfriend?" well laughing. Nathan replies with "No". Well Eric walk's off after saying thank you. Nathan looking baCk at the boy with forest green eyes.
Later that day Nathan walks to LunCh to see the boy with forest green eyes sitting at a table on his phone.
Nathan walks up to him saying "I like your taste in musiC." Eric looks up with a surprise/Confused look on his faCe, to see the boy with the water grey eyes standing right in front of him.
"Thanks I guess...wait how do you know what kind of musiC I listen to?" Nathan replies with "When you walked in to me and all your stuff fell, on your phone I saw you were listening to one of Alec Benjamin's songs."
Nathan asked the boy with forest green eyes what was his favorite song by him? Eric replies with "I Built a Friend"
↙ This is the song ↘️
I Built a Friend
By: Alec Benjamin
"Me too!!!...Well wish I Could talk more but have to go, prCactiCe is going to start soon." With that being said the boy with the water grey eyes leaves. The next day Nathan walks in to AmeriCan Sign Language Class to see the small boy with forest green eyes sitting a the baCk Corner of the room near the window.
Nathan walks to the seat right next to the boy and says "Hi". Eric looks to the side to see the boy with water grey eyes sitting next to him. Eric smiles and says "Hello".
The bell rings and the teaCher walks in and says "That tutors had been assigned to students" she reads through the list and at the end the teaCher Calls Eric's name, he answers with "yes", Nathan looks at the boy with forest green eyes and with a huge grin on his faCe and then baCk at the teaCher as she says "You will be tutoring Nathan."
Nathan turns to the boy with forest green eyes or Eric and says "Do you want to go to my house or yours?" "It doesn't matter to me" Eric says. Nathan says "Ok then we can go to my house, but you have to wait for me after school I have football praCtiCe today, is that ok?" Eric nods.
So after praCtiCe they walk to Nathan's house. Nathan asks Eric if was ok to work out side Eric says "That's fine by me." They walk to the backyard and started with ASL.
Teen Fiction*In Editing* In order to find out more about this book you have to read it. *Low Key BxB*