Chapter 4

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*Courts POV*

We all separated when we got in line to like get our luggage checked and stuff then we all sat near each other on the plane. Cam and Jade sat by each other in the back away from all of us. Katie and Nash across from Kennadie and Matt, Dane and Hayes in front of me and Angelina and then Jack and Jack across from me and Angelina. I wasn't really sure where Libby, Taylor, and Shawn was but I was more focused on Dane and Hayes.

"Dane I think we need to talk." I overheard Hayes say to Dane.

"Yesss?" Dane smiled when she answered, she looked super happy.

"Well, when we first started dating I felt this connection between us and well.. I don't feel that connection anymore." Hayes responded, I was so excited. Maybe I would finally get a chance with Hayes.

"Wow, what you found someone new or something, because I doubt she's better than me. I loved you so much, I gave you everything! Why do you have to be so mean, I was the perfect girlfriend and now you just throw me away?!" Soo.. I guess Dane was like super angry and she was loud too, so loud almost the whole plan could hear her.

"No it's not that it's just-" Hayes started talking but Dane cut him off.

"You know what I'm over it, honestly I don't need you anymore, I'm so over you!!" Dane litteraly screamed.

Angelina shoved me and smirked. "Hear that.. Your wannabe boyfriends relationship status is now single"

I couldn't even put into words how happy I was that I'll at least get a chance with Hayes. Angelina had a darker skin tone with curly dark brown hair, she was also super short and pretty. She was dating Jack G but they didn't really talk that much, if you know what I mean.

For the rest of the plane ride Hayes and Dane were totally silent, I was so pumped to get off the plane and start talking to Hayes.

-3 hours later-

We finally got to Orlando and I had the hugest smile on my face this week was going to be the most amazing thing ever! Everybody started boarding off the plane and we had to get all of our luggage and do all that boring airport stuff but it wasn't that bad because I got to see Hayes. Me and him didn't talk but we looked at eachother like, a lot.

A huge limo picked us all up and I was feeling confident so I decided to sit next to Hayes.

"Hey courttt" he smiled at me.

"So you and Dane uhm, broke up?" I asked even though I already knew the answer.

"Yeah, she told you already?" He responded.

"Seriously hayes... I'm pretty sure the entire plane heard dane talking to you." I laughed.

"Yikes, she is pretty loud isn't sheee" he started laughing too.

"Nooo you really think.." I sarcastically replied.

*Katies POV*

I saw Hayes and Court with eachother in the limo and it looked like they both really liked each other. I was so happy for Court that Hayes finally dumped Dane but the way she was looking at them made me feel horrible. She looked like she was going to burst out crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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