Unexpected Visitors

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"So, Babs called, and said that the rest of the transfer was assassin-free," Dick stated.  "Rigoletto is chilling out in the FBI safe house in Baltimore.  Now that we know the Kingpin's true identity, I was thinking we attack his operations directly, and hope maybe we can find some insight to Deadshot's target."

"Are there any Kingpin meetings we're aware of?" Bruce asked.

"Not necessarily Kingpin, but the FBI reported that there was a prison riot a little while ago.  The FBI's initial response to the breakout was to rebuild the prison.  Now that it has been rebuild, the FBI crunched down the number of escapees," Dick stated.

"What's the relevance to the Kingpin?"

"Well, there was only one prisoner who escaped.  His name is Bullseye.  The FBI made many attempts to secure his real name, but they never could.  Upon incarceration, the FBI interrogated him; to learn more about him.  All they managed to find out was that he's ex-NSA, and eventually went rouge, finding his calling as a mercenary.  It also says on his file that, he was affiliated with the Kingpin's mob.  Now, when Bullseye returned to Hell's Kitchen he made a huge splash, killing an entire police station full of officers.  I assume that this was some kind of message to the Kingpin alerting him that he was back in town," Dick guessed.

"Still, killing an entire station full of cops?  That seems rather aggressive and risky."

"Well, while Bullseye was a special operations agent, he took on a North African militia.  By himself," Dick added.  "One of the members of the North African militia had some ties to a terrorist organization.  The terrorists later managed to set off quite a few number of car bombs in New York.  The NSA's job was to prevent the terrorist attacks, but since Bullseye killed the NSA's lead on the terrorists, the NSA couldn't pursue the terrorists.  The point of this history lesson was to tell you that Bullseye went rouge from the NSA because he likes to kill, and doesn't care how risky it is to do or the consequences."

"Do we have a location on Bullseye's current known whereabouts?" Bruce inquired.

"After his rampage in the police station, authorities managed to track him down somewhere in between the Lincoln Center and the Forty Second Street bus terminal.  After doing some additional searching, I managed to narrow his current whereabouts to an apartment complex on West Forty Sixth Street and Tenth Avenue," Dick stated.

"We better pay our friend a visit," Bruce said, taking his Batsuit out of the closet.

At Matt's condominium...

Well, I don't have anything better planned for today.  Might as well activate that tracer Wayne drank, Daredevil thought, taking out his tracking device, and watching the blips.  Hmm, let's see what you are up to in mid-Hell's Kitchen.

And within minutes, Daredevil was dressed, and headed out to investigate Bruce's location.

At Bullseye's suspected location...

"You ready?" Batman asked, watching Bullseye's movements through his binoculars.

"Uh-huh," Nightwing nodded.

"Let's go," Batman ordered, tucking his binoculars.

Batman glided through the window, and shattered the glass while Nightwing just swung in using his grappling hook.

"Yeah, I'll call you back," Bullseye stated.  "I have some unexpected visitors," he added, hanging up his phone.  "To what do I owe the pleasure, gentlemen?"

"Bullseye, you're going back to prison," Batman stated.  "In what shape is up to you."

"Hmm, I'm not sure I know you two, but, hey, what the hell?  I don't have anything against beating some amateurs," Bullseye shrugged, taking from his pocket three paperclips.

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