After school

13 1 0

3rd person POV
Tonya sighed softly as the bell ringed, showing that the day was over. Michie was still sitting by her, reading her book. That was one thing about her. When she reads, she gets really into it and forget about things around her. Tonya smiles softly as she flicked Michie's head to get her attention.
Michie looked up at her and rubbed her forehead to sooth the small sting. "Hey!" She said in a slight whimper. Tonya chuckled softly. "We gotta leave. The belled ringed." She said as she stood from the bench.
Michie looked at her watch and nods, not realizing the time. She quickly gathered her book bag, her books and phone. Tonya decided to be nice and hold her bag and books for her, gaining a soft smile from Michie and began walking to the entrance of the school.

*Le timeskip*~~~~~~~

Tonya's POV

Before we left, I picked up my books from my locker and walked out the school, still holding Michie's stuff for her. We got out the school, Michie told me she could hold her stuff to walk home but I volunteered to walk her home.
During the walk I wanted to walk closer to her but kept my distance. It was odd for me to be nervous, usually that was other girls, and some guys who didn't know I was a lesbian.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Michie looking at me. She must've saw I was thinking.
"Tonya, almost all day you've been off. What's really going on with you?" She asked in a slightly serious but also worried. I just shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile. "No, I'm fine. I'm just thinking. " I told her. She tilts her head, which was adorable, but showing she wanted a explanation. I sigh softly. "It was just some stuff including school." I lied though I felt bad. Michie nods and smiles softly. "Alrighty. Remember, when you need to talk, I'm your best friend. I'm always here for you." She said, I could hear the sincerity in you voice. I nod and smile. "Okay, I'll remember that." I chuckle softly.
Michie smiles brightly and unlocks her front door and invites me in. I follow her inside and to her room, starting to get nervous again. Being the innocent girl she was she didn't know.
I put down both our stuff by the door as she goes to grab her speaker and connect her phone. I sit on her bed and watched as she smiles while picking a song. With music, only some songs and bands we both liked but she'd listen to things like songs off that show Steven Universe. I think that's what it is.
When I finally looked at her, she was dancing around, her hair bouncing around her face and the bright smile mad me laugh softly and watch more. I then realized the song and stood up. It was Vegas lights by Panic at the disco. I smiled brightly, she knew I loved this song.
Michie smiles brightly and grabs my hands, pulling me over to where she was. I laugh and dance crazily like her. This was another thing I loved about her. Her silly outgoing attitude she had just made you want to talk to her. As we danced I spinned her and she just laughed with that smile that was so contagious. 'God, she's so beautiful. She like a swaying flower and the music is her wind. I swear, everytime she smiles I can see a shine in her big dough auburn eyes. I could stare at them all day.' I didn't notice I was staring at her, causing her to blush and giggle. "Tony. You there?" Michie waved her hand in my face and tilts her head. I shook her head to regain myself and look at her, chuckling nervously. "S-sorry." I mumble. Michie giggles. "It's alr-" Her sentence was cut off by a small yawn before she continued. "Alright." She smiles, with tired eyes. She was a very hardworking student. I take her hand and bring her to her bed and let her sit. "You're tired, aren't you?" I asked softly. She stretched and nodded. I smile softly and let her lay back on the bed. I stood and was about to get my stuff until she grabbed my wrist. "Don't leave. We don't get to sleep over at eachothers house like we use to." She mumbles tiredly. She had a point, since she was always studying to keep her grades up, we didn't get time to hang out alot. I nod and lay by her. She was already asleep so I was able to turn off her lamp and pull the blanket over us. I layed on my side facing away from her when I felt another warmness against my back.
I looked behind myself to see her, cuddling into my back while snoring softly. I smile softly and turn carefully to not wake her and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her close to me for more warmth. I could see a small smile on her face as she snuggled into my chest. I kissed her head softly. "Good night, Michie." I whispered quietly and closed ny eyes, hearing a faint 'Goodnight.' Before drifting off into sleep.

YAYYY! Another chapter done! I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry it took some time. I love you guys so much. Until next time😚😚

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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