Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Lucy Price. Im 16 and i have two older brothers and one younger sister. One of the brothers is 20 and his name is Rylan Price he's in college. The second is 18 and his name is Garrett Price he's in 12th grade. Their both popular, unlike me. They both play football, so you know a jock of an ass. My little sister is 7 and her name is Abby Price and she's in second grade, she got held back. I'm in high school, 10th grade. I'm not really popular. I'm in band, swimming, choir, and volleyball. I'm not pretty as most girls, but my friends and family say that I am. My life hasn't been the best. It's full of people closest to me that passed away. I get bullied every time I wear something cute or pretty or ugly, which I don't know why. It's confusing, but yet they do it for fun. Let's get started on how my life goes everyday.
"Get up!" Yelled my mom.
"I'm up!" I yelled back.
Every morning I get up at 6:30 A.M to catch a bus because my brother is embarrassed of me. Every once in awhile my oldest brother will take me, but that's only when he's out of college for a bit. But anyway I finally rolled out of bed dreading today. I walked to my closest, which was filled with such beautiful clothes. But I had to wear the least prettiest but not to ugly. It really sucks and sometimes it's confusing.
I finally got dressed and ready, well almost. I couldn't find my favorite shoes which I ALWAYS keep it in one place, which is under my bed but this time there not. I go searching for them everywhere, under the couch, under my siblings beds, in the bathroom, under my parents beds, and finally outside, not out there.
"Abby! Where are my shoes!?" I yelled.
"I don't know! Maybe you should've kept up with them!" She yelled back.
"You better not have them hiding or I'm going to beat your ass!" I yelled.
"Try me bitch!" Said she. She cuss because she thinks it's funny when we Yell at her to not do it.
"Watch your mouth little brat!" I said. "You better give me my shoes back!"
"Girls! Stop your effing fighting! And Abby you know better not to cuss!" Said mom. My mom's name is Isabelle Price she's pregnant with her 5th baby, crazy I know. She's only 15 weeks pregnant and she's very grouchy in the morning.
"B-but" I stumbled to say something. I stopped myself from talking back to my mom because I know that she'll ground me or take my phone away.
"Abby give your sister her shoes back now!" Said mom.
"Mom I didn't take them. Garret took them!" Abby said.
"That little! Why does he always have to take my gosh damn stuff all the time!" I yelled.
"Lucy! Stop your cussing and go find some other shoes to wear!" My father said. My father's name is Nathan Price. He's a workaholic he's always at work I mean ALWAYS. He was never really there during my childhood, but he was always there during my brothers and sisters life's. He was always busy during my childhood traveling around the world. So yeah never really had a father figure. He never came to any of my birthday parties besides one which was my first birthday. He doesn't love me as much as he loves my siblings. He doesn't treat me poorly, but I know he doesn't love me he doesn't give me attention or look like he's happy with me, like my siblings. Even though I'm the straight A student. Enough about my father let's get back to life.
"Okay." "Sorry dad" I said faintly.
" Haha--" Abby stopped once she caught mom's glare.
"Lucy? Can you please take the trash out before you get on the bus?" Said dad kinda rudely.
"Yes dad." I said.
"Hun, go get your shoes on and fix your hair or your going to be late for the bus," Mom said with a sigh.
"Okay mom," I huffed.
I found some decent shoes, hopefully no one makes fun of me. I put them on and looked into the mirror in my room and thought to myself that I'm the ugliest girl alive and no one loves me. I huffed and grabbed my bag off of my desk and walked down stairs to the kitchen. I bagged up the trash and took it out to the garbage.
I saw a cat digging into our trash cans trying to get food. It looked like it hasn't eaten in awhile so I went inside, after I put the trashbag in the cans trying to not scare the cat away, and went into the kitchen and got some tuna and opened it. I walked outside and walked back to where the cat is and gave it the tuna. It started purring it calmed me but I didn't pet the cat it look like it didn't trust me so I just stayed away.
The bus got on the corner of the road so I hurriedly ran inside and told mom and dad good bye and told Abby to hurry up or she'll be late. I got on the bus and sat in the very back because my crush always sat back there even though I get picked up second to the first. My sister finally got on and sat by her best friend. None of my friends get on this bus.
We arrived to my crushes house he's like the 20th to get picked up every weekday. He got on and sat in front of me beside his best friend, which his best friend is an a hole to me and my friends. Every once in awhile my crush would turn around and ask me if I have a pencil before we get to school, I always do.

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