Thank You {Armin x Reader} (Part Two)

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“How is he? Is he okay?”

You looked at him, begging for an answer, one that you would love to hear. To know that your little furball had somehow survived rabies.

You had been on the way to the vet. Your dog, Lucky, had been sounding and was acting strangely. He suddenly became aggressive whilst in his cage and tried to bite you and was biting his cage bars. After a while he lay down and wouldn’t move.

The doctor had sorrow in his eyes. “I’m sorry, miss. He’s in a better place now.”

Tears stung your eyes and blurred your vision. The wind chimes hanging next to the entrance were only distant bells as you broke down. He had been your only friend for 11 years. And then he had somehow just left you alone in the dark. You left the veterinary clinic in tears, your mother taking you back to your house in her car.

Your eyelids popped open. Your cheek was wet. You had been crying in your sleep. All the memories came back to you at once. You continued sobbing. A hand came to rest on your shoulder. You took a sharp intake of breath, startled. You turned to see Armin there.

Why is he here?

You turned your back to him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.



You blushed a crimson shade of red.


Why did I let him into my house? Why didn’t I at least give him a guest room to sleep in? Just how tired was I last night? Ugh..


You rubbed your eyes and turned to Armin again.


Oh well. Now that he’s here, might as well enjoy it.


You gave him a peck on his cheek. He cupped your cheek and wiped away your tears with his thumb.


“Why are you crying?” he asked, concerned.


“Just a nightmare.”


Armin realized what you were talking about and hugged you close to his chest. He knew that you would have some kind of nightmare after the death of your beloved golden retriever. You sighed, both in exhaustion and in relief to have Armin here.


“Does this mean that we’re in a romantic platonic relationship here?” Armin asked, after a while of comfortable silence.


You laughed silently. “I don’t even know what that means.”


“Okay, then. A definition directly from the wordbook at home: ‘intimate and affectionate but not sexual.’”


You blushed at the word sexual.


You shook the thought out of your head. An idea popped into your head. You remembered buying some chocolate balls yesterday while on the way home. You squirmed your way out of Armin’s arms and noticed that he wasn’t wearing his shirt. He had a six-pack and his biceps were slightly muscular. You blushed and looked away.

When did he take his shirt off?


“P-Put your s-shirt back on!” you stammered, still not looking.


You didn’t know, but Armin was blushing furiously. He must’ve taken it off unconsciously as a habit. He had developed a habit of taking his shirt off before bed.


Eren’s habits must’ve rubbed off on me, Armin thought sheepishly as he grabbed his shirt from the floor. While Armin was putting his shirt on, you grabbed the chocolate balls from your vanity table and waited for Armin to be done.


“Hey, Armin,” you called. “You said you’d never tried these chocolate balls before, right? Well, they even have this biscuit-ish thing inside. Open your mouth, I’m gonna throw these to you.”


“Okay,” Armin said. “I’m ready.”


You threw it, but a bit lower than wanted. “Ah, sorry! I’m really bad at throwing.”


Armin laughed and picked up the chocolate ball. He blew on it and then popped it into his mouth. You took the bag of chocolate and took three chocolate balls from it.


“Maybe it’ll be better if we just give each other the chocolate,” you said, rubbing the back of your neck.


You gave two to Armin. Armin sat down on the side of your bed and motioned for you to sit on his lap. Instead, you sat next to him. He sat on your lap instead and you flinched and then you immediately froze. Armin, on the other hand, had a grin on his face that only grew wider.


“Wait a minute,” he said, your cheeks growing redder by the second. “(F/n), are you… ticklish?”


“U-Um, no, wait-”


You were cut short as Armin reached out for your waist and tickled you. You fell back on the bed in an attempt to get away. You realized that Armin was laughing uproariously. You immediately shot him a death glare.


“You are so gonna pay for that,” you said, holding your hands up, your fingers slightly bent down.


You reached for Armin, who you knew was also ticklish. You chased each other around your bedroom and in the end, both of you just lay down on the bed on opposite sides. You gave Armin an upside-down kiss and exhaled in exhaustion.


“You know what, Armin?”



“We might just be in a plato-whatever relationship.”




Ahem. Anyway. Whatever happened the night before is up to Reader-chan's imagination! Now, just copypaste this thing: 

Don't worry too much about what it is. Just press go to that link. I promise, no jumpscares or anything like that- just go!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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