Chapter 2

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TW: Talk about rape/kidnapping

Voices broke through the haze of my mind like an echo. I could also hear a faint beeping. I wanted to open my eyes but it felt like my eyelids were cemented shut.

"Have you been able to figure out who she is yet?" Someone asked in a voice I couldn't recognize.

"No. I'm hoping she can tell us her name when she wakes up." Another voice asked. It was male. "Hopefully she wakes up soon."

I could hear their footsteps grow quieter as they left the room.

Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?

My stomach lurched. This time when I tried to open my eyes, my eyes flew open. I frantically looked around for something to throw up in. Luckily there was a basin next to me that I was able to use to empty out my stomach.

After puking up whatever I could get out, I looked around my surroundings. I was in a hospital room. The faint beeping I had heard before was a hear monitor, it held a steady beep. An IV ran from my hand to a pouch that held a clear liquid. I looked at the clock. 2:54.

I remembered then. I had finally escaped. Some one had found me after I passed out and was brought here.

The beeping on the heart monitor sped up. My stomach lurched again. Once again, I grabbed the basin.

A nurse ran into the room. "Miss, please calm down." She said frantically. "Take deep breaths. You're okay." That voice I couldn't recognize earlier had belonged to her.

Listening to her advice I took deep breaths. Next to me the monitor's beeping slowed to a more steady rate.

"Better?" The nurse asked as she gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm going to get the doctor. Okay?"

I nodded.

She left the room and came back with the doctor from earlier. He gave me a small smile as he came into the room.

"Oh good you're awake. I'm Dr. Nicholson. Can I get you anything?"

That's the male voice I heard earlier.

"Water," my throat was raw and scratchy.

The doctor nods to the nurse who quickly leaves the room.

Once the nurse came back with water, a police officer followed. I eyed them warily as I tentatively drank the water.

The officer waited till I was done before she spoke. "Hello. I'm Officer Green. I was here earlier. The last time I tried to speak to you, you were in shock. Are you ready to answer a few questions for me."

"Okay," I said, my voice barely a whisper.

"What is your name?"

"Rebel Dixon."

"Okay, Mrs. Dixon." She waved at the nurse, who nodded before leaving the room. "Do you have any relatives I can call? Your parents maybe?"

I shook my head. "I don't know where they are."

"Who did you live with then?"

I stilled. I looked over at the doctor and nurse, who had been standing by the door silent. I looked back at the police officer and frantically shook my head. "I-I can't go back there!"

"Where can't you go back to, Miss Dixon? The people who abused you."

I nodded. I wrapped my arms around my knees and began to rock. All the tears I've been holding in came rushing out as if a dam had broken inside of me. I hated crying.


"Miss Dixon, I need you to calm down. Don't worry you're safe now. Can you do that for me, please?" The officer said as she grabbed my hand.

I started taking deep breaths until the beeping slowed.

"He'll find me! I have to get out of here!" I reached for the IV in my arm but was immediately stopped.

"Miss Dixon, I assure you that I will keep you safe and catch whoever did this to you but I can't do that unless you cooperate and tell me what I need to know. Okay?"

"I don't know who he was or what his name was." I stared at my stomach.

"What about where they held you at?"

I shook my head. "All I know is it was deep in the woods. They never let me go outside."

"If I brought in a sketch artist would you be able to describe whoever took you."

I nodded.

"Ok good. Is there anything else you could tell me. Even the smallest detail can help."

I swallowed. "There was a woman there too."

"Was she also taken?"

"No she wasn't. She was his wife. At least I think she was. She had on a wedding band, so did he. Sometimes she would watch when he or his friends-" I closed my eyes as memories flashed in my minds.

I could feel his touch on me. His hands, rough and calloused, as they touched every inch of my body. I could feel his body pressed up against me. Feel his excitement as I struggled beneath his weight. His breath always smelled like cigarettes and stale coffee. My body reacting in ways that betrayed my inner turmoil.


When I opened my eyes, I was back in the hospital room. Not in that basement of hell.

"I think that's enough for one day, officer." Said the Dr. Nicholson. "She needs to rest."

"Yeah. You're right. If you find out anything else let me know."

The doctor nodded. "I'll escort you out." To me he added, "Try to get some rest now, okay."

Once he was gone, I curled up underneath the hospital blanket and cried.

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