chapter I

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Hey dudes I'm still going to continue my other book but I'm going to do this one first cuz I have no idea where the other one is even going well I'm going to start this story and I'm doing all the chapters with Roman numerals so that why that's happening lol well in going to go now but I have one more thing to say.... This will be dirty at times and there will be trigger warnings but I'll let you know when that's going to happen
This is texting......
J, hey babe

R, hey

J, what u up to?

R, nothing much, u?

J, nothing

R, I'm bored

J, same here, u wanna come over?

R, sure! when?

J, I don't know, now if you want

R, ok lemme grab my keys and I'll be heading your way

J, ok I love you see u when u get here

R, ok love you too

J, ......

R, babe what's the ...... For??

J, oh I was trying to keep u on the phone cuz I need to tell u that when u get here come through the back door mom knows you are coming over but she has friends over so she told me to tell u that you need to come through the back door so they don't know and that we need to keep it down  and by the way I'm in my room with Danny and mason

R, ok babe I love you I'll text you when I'm here

J, ok love you too

R, bye I'll see your gay ass when I get there lol

J, Offended

R, you know I love you

J, yea hurry up and get here and stop texting me love u seel u when u get here

R, k

Hey so I'm just going to say that this one will be long I'll try to make it make sense but no promises just keep reading comment and vote
(338 words) 

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