Chapter II

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(when you are away)
Just to let you guys know that this one will be kinda depressing I will put a trigger warning if it gets too bad.....      
P.S, this is a continuation of last chapter
Justin pov
I see my phone lite up so I look and it's from reagan I open Snapchat and open the snap to see this

S, this is a continuation of last chapter____________________________________Justin pov I see my phone lite up so I look and it's from reagan I open Snapchat and open the snap to see this

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Babe im horny, do u want me? cuz I want you!

So I send him this

And captioned it with this

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And captioned it with this......
Hey hurry up babe!!!!
Yea I do want you my T shot makes me horny and I just had it like an hour ago....👉👌

Justin pov
I lock my phone and set it on the counter, just then I hear someone knock on my back door so I dropped everything i was holding and ran to the door it was him I jumped he caught me then I kissed him.......

Reagan pov
He opened the door and jumped into my arms I had just got back from LA we haven't see each other for 5 mounts because I went on tour he kissed me so I kissed back and the pulled away he pouted and said "baby I missed you" so I said I miss you too baby boy.......

Justin pov
He didn't look ok I didn't know what was wrong so I asked I'm what was wrong and he told me that "there is good and bad news let's go talk" we went downstairs to my bedroom and we sat on my bed......

Reagan pov
I didn't want to tell him that I was going to have to leave him again but I had to I sat on his bed him on my lap straddle style and I kissed him and asked if he wanted the good news or the bad news first he said "bad I guess" so I told him that I was going to have to leave again in 2 weeks "I hate when you leave babe you are always home for 2 weeks and away for 4-5 mounts" he said this with tears in his eyes so I told him the good news. Babe do you want the good news? "Yea" ok well this is the last time I'm going on tour for 1 year and my mom and dad said that they talked to your parents and they said that I could live with you!!! "REALLY BABE?!?!?" yea and I promise I won't leave you also this time I will only be gone for 2 days! So not that long

Justin pov
Thank God i hate when u leave!! I will still miss you tho.... Babe when will this stop? I said "what do you mean?" Like when will u stop leaving? "Babe I honestly don't know." I had tears in my eyes and I couldn't breathe I knew what it was I was having an anxiety attack he knew to he grabbed my meds and some water and my phone he gave me my phone and I turned it on and went to my notepad and wrote down my feelings and took my pills and a quick swig of water and hugged him and just broke down in tears he laid down and I put my head on his chest and we quickly fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone..... I sat up and saw a note on the door i got up and ripped the note off the door and I said

I had to leave again I'll be back in 2 days I'm so sorry just know that I hate leaving you and wish I didn't have to but it is what it is baby boy I love you so fucking much I'll call you when my flight lands
                       - reagan 

Just then them my phone rang, it was him

R, hey baby

J, hey

R, hope your not mad that I had to leave again

J, no not at all I completely understand that, that is what you contract has you doing

R, I wish I could of brought you

J, me to

R, I got to go I love you so much

J, love you too

R, byeeee

j, byeeeee
So I know this was long but is all good... I'm at a bowling tournament so I really don't have time
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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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