Chapter 21

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You were home, taking care of Jungkook. Thankfully, you finished all your schedules in advance, and you've got yourself a little vacation.

Under your care, Jungkook got a lot better.

== Morning ==

He came out of the room, the bright sunlight coming through the shiny glass window, the fresh air in the house, the laundry scent, it's all so nostalgic. It's like the scenery from 3 years ago, he took a peek at you in the kitchen. Your hair tied loosely into a bun, one hand holding the spatula and the other hand on the phone.

You are not the model Hyerin, right now. Not the actress, Hyerin either. Just Hyerin, Jungkook's wife. His love.

"What? A photoshoot for Vogue Kr? Gosh!!! I can't." You were on phone.

"I know, but I have to take care of Jungkook."

"He was having a fever over 40 degrees, he can't take care of himself."

"Argh! Just call them off, I'm not going."

"I know it's a rare opportunity but I'm not going."

Jungkook came closer suddenly, hugging you from the back. He buried himself into the gap of your shoulders and neck, took a deep breathe, it's ok.
No matter where you are, what you do, you are still Hyerin, you're still mine.

He took the phone, "Jeongyeon-ssi, right?"

"She'll be there, don't call it off."

"I'll make sure of it."

"Yes, apeurodo jal butakdeurgetseumnida. (Please also take care of her.)"

Jungkook hung up.
You looked to Jungkook with big eyes.
"You want me to go to work?" You asked.

"Yeah. You like your work, don't you." He replied.

You nodded, but worried. "Is it really ok?" You hugged him, head resting on his chest.

"Are you really ok with it?" You asked again.

"You were willing to give up your work for me, why can't I help you chase your dreams instead."
He said softly.

Your heart fluttered, "Well, my dreams just came true. You supporting me is my dream."
You gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"That's it?" Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah~" You giggled.
"You must be hungry, the soup will be done in a minute." You turn around and stirred the soup in the pot.

Jungkook took your hand and spun you around, his hands wrapped around your back and gave you a passionate kiss.

"Wai.." you said in between kisses.
But Jungkook didn't stop.

He pulled the string of the ribbon and loosened your apron. His hands inside your shirt, kinda ticklish.

"Yah-hah! Stop." You said but not like Jungkook will listen.

"Andwae~ (we can't)"
"You're right, not in the kitchen." Jungkook suddenly carried you over his shoulders.

"Yah! Not that." You loudly said.
"Huh? It's ok in the kitchen?" Jungkook seriously looked confused.

You chuckled, "Put me down."
Jungkook listened and put you down, finally.
With all the laughing, you ran out of breathe.
"You can't skip your meals again." You seriously said.

Jungkook got quiet and obeyed looking at your worried face. Then you took your step into the kitchen, he followed you and hugged you from the back. You didn't mind him, putting seasoning into the soup.

"Don't worry." He whispered.

"You go set the table, the soup is done." You asked Jungkook and he went on it.

When he left, you silently wiped the water in your eyes, feeling relieved, finally he is back to how he usually is.

*knock knock*
"I'll go get it." Jungkook happily hopped his steps to the door.

Jungkook's brows twitched, Namjoon looked like he is going to interfere Jungkook's day with you, so Jungkook closed the door

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Jungkook's brows twitched, Namjoon looked like he is going to interfere Jungkook's day with you, so Jungkook closed the door.

Namjoon stopped Jungkook from closing it.
"Yah! What are you doing to your hyung? Don't forget I was the one who brought Hyerin here." He whispered.

Jungkook stood straight and invited him in politely.
Namjoon smiled, "Happy to see you feeling all better, be thankful to me." He patted Jungkook's shoulders.

"Hyerin-ssi!! I'm here." Namjoon happily greeted.
Jungkook was surprised. *When did they got so close.*

Namjoon is the one who buys groceries for these past few days, since you couldn't go out and buy them yourselves.

He brought the food into the fridge.
"I made a lot. You should stay for lunch." You said.

Jungkook's eyes grew wide. *What?!*
Jungkook elbowed Namjoon and sign him to leave.
Namjoon was overwhelmed, he always wanted to tease Jungkook, but Jungkook never really care about the pranks Namjoon pulls and always manages to get away with it, and now is the perfect chance to see Jungkook getting pissed.

"Jinjja?! (Really?!) I'd be glad to join lunch." Namjoon replied.

== after lunch ==

You were washing the dishes in the kitchen, Jungkook was wiping the table. Namjoon wanted to help, but since he usually ends up breaking things. 🤣 Jungkook told him to just stay sitting on a chair.

"Hyung, there is something you can do." Jungkook called Namjoon's attention.

He handed a bag of trash, face with a full smile, "Oh hyung~ You need to get back to the office so soon? You can't stay for dessert? What a pity. Oh~ you mind taking the trash out too?" Purposely said in a loud voice, Jungkook pushed Namjoon out.

"Oh! Namjoon-ssi. You are leaving already?" You hurriedly ran out from the kitchen to the doorway.

Jungkook's eyes wide staring at Namjoon, signing him to get going. Namjoon was satisfied with the lunch and he had a lot of fun seeing Jungkook's pissed face too. He smiled, "Yeah~ but I'll be back for di-"

Jungkook stepped on Namjoon's foot.

"Some other day. Hyerin-ssi, thank you for the lunch." Namjoon smiled with pain on his face.

"Oh~ you can come join us anytime you want, after helping and taking care of us for the past few days, I can't thank you enough." You were really grateful.

You elbowed Jungkook too, Jungkook glared to the side, looking grateful, a little awkward on his expression. "Kumowo hyung."

Namjoon smiled widely after hearing Jungkook's appreciation. He ruffled Jungkook's hair, "Hurry and come back to office soon, we all miss you."

And Namjoon left.

You turned to Jungkook and messed his hair too.
"Good job." You complimented Jungkook for showing gratitude too, because he rarely do that. He just commands people.

Jungkook heart fluttered.
You went back to washing your dishes, and Jungkook suddenly pulled you and spun you around, pinning you on to the walls.

"Back to where we left off earlier." Jungkook smirked and kissed your lips.

== end chapter ==

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