Chapter 14

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"Come on guys, let's get started," Maxwell's mate Madison said, clapping her hands as Maxwell and another taller boy turned to look at her. They were the only ones in the practice room aside from me. Somewhere between their bickering about setting up, Maxwell turned to me, smiling before turning his attention back to his mates. He was holding his cello by its neck. He then moved, heading to stand behind his female friend who had a violin with her. She was sitting down, while Maxwell and his other friend sat behind her with their cellos.

I was sitting behind one of the desks they'd pushed aside to make free space at the center of the room. It was about five in the evening, so the lighting in the room was a little dim.

"Are we still changing the tempo?" the tall dark person behind Maxwell asked, and the girl nodded in response.

"Of course, we are. I thought we discussed this in the group chat last night," she said before letting out a sigh that made Maxwell chuckle. She had green-dyed hair and big hoop earrings. I was sincerely curious about how she was going to work with her violin bow with the number of rings she had on her fingers. She looked a bit out of place in the middle of the two boys — like she belonged in another department. At first glance, I would have placed her as a fine art student, to be honest.

After a while of bickering amongst themselves, they started playing the piece they'd put together. The girl with her violin, and Maxwell and the other boy with their cellos accompanying the music. I could feel my cheeks warm up as they continued to play. I watched as Maxwell handled his bow. I watched the way his fingers moved with it to press and move against the cello's strings. He was still as good as when he was in high school — he was better. His style had matured.

Did he practice during summer? I wondered, watching him play with his friends, his leg was tapping against the room's floorboard as they played, and his head moved with the rhythm as one hand handled the bow, and the fingers of his other hand pressed against the strings. They paused when one of them made a mistake, and they laughed about it before deciding to take it from the top.

When they were done with their practice they talked for a bit as they packed up their instruments. I got up from the seat I had been sitting in before walking over to Maxwell who was now zipping up the black case of his Cello.

"That was great," I said, watching as he looked up before smiling at me. I smiled back, but my eyes moved away due to the odd flutter in my chest at his stare. Damn, I hadn't gotten used to looking him in the eyes yet.

"See you around Maxwell!" the girl from his practice said, making me look up to find her waving towards Maxwell. She was by the door with the other guy. Maxwell waved back, and she smiled at him before she and the other guy left the room together, leaving me and Maxwell alone in the practice room. After a while of just watching Maxwell check if his cello was in good condition, I spoke up.

"What is it for?"

"What?" Maxwell asked, turning to me when I asked my question.

I shrugged. "The practice, what is it for?" I repeated, making my question clearer.

"Oh," Maxwell said, as he lifted his cello's case to his back by its strap. "We have a class presentation soon. It counts towards our GPA," he replied, making me nod. Maxwell was wearing the school sweater over a pair of ripped jeans as usual. I've decided to accept it as his signature look, but that didn't stop me from teasing him about it.

"Don't you have any other clothes?" I asked with a small chuckle, making Maxwell roll his eyes at me as we made our way out of the practice room. The hallways had dim lighting since most of the lights hand been turned off. The halls were also quiet since there were no students in sight. It was late in the evening, and apparently, the music building didn't host any night classes, so the place was deserted past seven PM.

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