their opposite

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Valt : I want beybread . Eew beybread it tastes the worst

Shu : let's do some tarining . Who dose traning

Daigo: ....  . *blah* *blah* *blah*

Rantaro : candied .  I hate candies

Wakiya : tch.  *smiles*

Ken : ker : hello besu: hi. Ha who said speaking with puppets is fuñ

Ukyo : shadows . Light

Yugo : *meditating* . I don't meditate

Xander : hahah . I don't laugh

Zac : *flirting with girls* . I don't flirt

Akira : I am cute I am * blah*zac is the best . .... Sac is the worst

Lui : FEAR ME .  Sorry I if did something wrong

Ben : *roar* . *stays silent*

Free : *sleeping*  . *the most active person who dose not sleeps

What will you reaction be ???

~ Grey

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