Chapter 14

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Junghi PoV.

When I woke up this morning my head fucking hurts like I just want to lay on bed all day but if I don't go to school today I will be kick out.

You know the feeling when you don't want to go to school but you will be dead by your mother cause that's what I'm feeling right now so I drag my lazy ass to get myself ready for school.

Me and Kookie go to school together while my head is throbbing in pain.

I let out a little groan and rubbed my temple to ease the pain.

Kookie look at me worriedly.
"Hey babe are you alright?" He said with a concern look and voice.
"Ne, just a little head ache no biggy" I said, what I said a little head ache means a lot. I just don't want him to worry. Good thing we have all the classes together except math.

He just give me a nod and hold my hand tightly.

We arrive at school while everybody looking at us and at our locked hands. Some of the girls gasp and start giving me death glares but I don't care about any of them.

We ignore the glares and whispers and start walking to our first class. Good thing Math is our last subject.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

It's finally lunch time. During our class I can't hide the fact that some girls try to fight me when we have a free time. I just ignore them but Kookie didn't and I had to tell you don't I mean don't ever make Jungkook mad cause he made the girls  who tried to fight me cry and shout at our classmates that I'm his and his mine. I just gave him a smile and he return it and sit at his chair which is so far from mine.

Anywho, me and Kookie currently walking towards the cafeteria because Kookie force me to.

My head is pounding like crazy.
And once again I groan in pain and this time everything turn black.

Jungkook PoV.

Me and Junghi are walking towards the cafeteria and I can't help to notice that Junghi is pale like really pale almost looks like a vampire.

I look at her one more time and at that exact moment she fainted. Luckily i catch her on time before she hit the ground.

I quickly sprint my way to the school clinic with Junghi on my arms and without even thinking I kick the door open to reveal the school slut and another guy sucking there faces on top of each other on one of the bed.

Good thing that they didn't hear me or it will be so awkward.

I slowly back away to the clinic and quickly got my phone to dial 119. I know you may think that it's just a mild faint or something and I call 119 to be honest I don't know any other hotline number of the hospital around Seoul so I just call 119( i dont the hotline in korea so its just a random guess😂😂)

Time skip~~~~~

Currently, I'm at the hospital while waiting for the doctor to tell me what's going on about Junghi's health.

I'm just praying that everything is fine. I contact the guys that I'm not at school but at the hospital because of Junghi but I'm not complaining and they said that they will go and visit Junghi after their class. Which is an hour or so.

The door where Junghi enter from before, open and reveal the doctor.

"How is she? Is she alright? What's her condition? Tell me!" I ask the doctor every question that's lingering my mind right now. The doctor chuckle at my actions
"She's fine ok, you don't have to worry but did you know about her condition?" He look at me with a worry look. I just gave him a confuse look and shook my head from left to right.
" Ok well she have ..........memory loss"
"What?" I ask softly cause my mind is processing what he said.
" It happen during her childhood maybe but she have a memory lost does she have any friends or anyone that she really close to when she's younger?" He said.
" I don't even know her childhood sorry doc." I said with a sad tone cause I badly want to know all about her so much but didn't get the chance....... Well at least not now.

After the conversation with the doctor, the hyungs came just in time and everyone bomber me questions like i did with the doctor earlier.

"Guys, Junghi's fine but......."
"BUT WHAT?!" Jimin shouted and earn a smack from eomma Jin after.
"She have memory loss" i said softly but they manage to hear it.

They freak out after a couple of minutes and they once again bomber me some questions that i want the answer myself.

Please Junghi, Please wake up.

Aww. Kookie is sad😫
Anywho, thanks for reading my story i really appreciate it Love ya'll ❤️ Chu~😘

Your Crazy Author,
Min Junhyung❤️

Mr. Playboy meets Ms. Badgirl ( Jungkook ff ) IncompleteWhere stories live. Discover now