Eye am the sun
eye am the ocean
breathe the air as the waves flow
Eye am the universe
Eye am my motivation
the reason I continue to grow
Eye am the sun
that provides growth to the garden in my mind
eye am learning as I go leaving negativity behind
Eye am the sun
as i close my eyes and deep breaths are taken
Increasing melanin and my knowledge with my third eye awaken
Eye am the sun
therefor in my darkest days I still shine
break me down, tear my soul but this life is still mine
eye will get through the trials tribulations because
once the tragedy is over something great has just begun
Eye am the sun, with a cool breeze
and a fresh glass of lemonade
Eye am the sun that shines down on the earth
with my physical being laying in the shade
Eye am the sun, craved for in the winter
asked to be toned down in the summer
Eye am the sun, how close eye am to the earth
are what most humans wonder
Truth is I'm closer then you think
eye lie within your flesh
with your too feet walk down your own righteous path
and I'll take care of the rest.