Chapter 4: Second Strike

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Second Strike

I knew that going back was in direct violation of my mentor's orders, but I had a feeling in my gut that if I attacked now while Igneous was still reeling from the surprise planted on his doorstep, I stood a good chance of winning. I flew back between the tall spires that surrounded the Council Hall, keeping them between me and the tower as much as possible. I had almost reached the smoldering hole that had been my escape route, when out of the smoke flew a black hurricane that roared like the gates of Hell had been torn asunder. I had only a second to dive out of the way as a bolt of black lightning shot over me, nearly making my ears shatter from the clap of thunder chasing its heels. I dug deep into myself, searching for that well of power I had used in my last battle with Igneous. I found it deep in my body, a flickering gold flame that soared on my heated emotions as I pulled it out of its hiding place in my heart. I opened my eyes to see the golden aura had once again surrounded me, the power causing the air to ripple near my body as energy forced it to heat up.

Igneous frowned as I flew up to his level, "I see you have mastered your powers faster than I had thought." He struck out with a black fire blast but I deflected it without much difficulty, "I guess I will need to rethink my plan of attack against you, now that you are able to contend with my powers." He turned and called into the hole Ironscale had ripped into the building, "I need your help my dear. Come out in the open so we may do battle as a single unit."

No sooner had he closed his mouth than a dark streak materialized from the gloom, her eyes trained on me with utmost hate and cold remorse. Ember flew up to fly at her master's side, her wings almost matching his beat for beat as he looked back at me with smug distaste, "Now that my general is here, there is no way you can defeat me. In order to kill me you must first get past your true love, and we both know you won't kill her if there is still a chance of freeing her from my control." He looked at Ember, "Attack as I do me sweet, and he shall fall to the ground in a death spiral that no one can recover from." He took a breath and blew a concentrated blast of black flame at me, Ember charging in just to the side of the attack with her claws outstretched and ready to rip me to shreds. I used my shield to deflect the fire, but as Igneous predicted, I couldn't stop Ember from coming in at an angle, her claws raking my hide and spinning me in the air like a top.

I gasped as fresh blood joined the brown crust that covered most of my body, and threw up a weak shield as another fire blast smashed into my defenses. I was thrown back several lengths as the blast threatened to break through my shield, but by some miracle it held and I was able to block Ember's tail strike as she came at me from behind. I knew this was going to be a losing fight unless it took the offensive, but with Ember countering my every move there was no way to strike Igneous without attacking her first. I used the flat of my tail blade to hit her across the face as she dove in for another attack, the impact sending a shockwave up my tail and rattled my spine. She stopped flying for just a moment, her motor skills temporarily knocked out of her system, and in that instant I surged upwards and past her, heading for Igneous with my aura at full power.

He reacted as I had expected, with surprise and then panic. He called out, "Ember, help me!" He threw a small blast of fire at my shield, but in his haste it had little power and bounced off like a stone.

I came at him full speed, my eyes locked with his as he back-winged in an attempt to get out of my way. I could feel Ember coming up behind me, and I knew that I had only one chance to get this attack right, otherwise Ember would catch me as I flew past Igneous and it would be all over. I pumped my sore wings with all of my might, trying to put as much power into my attack as I could muster, Igneous coming closer and closer to me until his eyes seemed to fill my entire vision. He tried to sideslip and cause me to overshoot, but his wings gave away the motion a split second before he did it, allowing me to correct my trajectory to intercept his. I stuck out my claws and drove them into his chest, his head flying back and a primordial howl escaped his lips as I drove my talons into his flesh, aiming for his heart. I used all of the power from my flight to drive my claws ever deeper, his chest now covered in an inky black liquid that had to have been his blood. He and I now started to drop, and I felt Ember latch onto my from behind in an attempt to get me off of Igneous. I pushed one last time and shoved all of my power through my claws and into Igneous' chest, causing his entire frame to glow from the inside with the same gold as my aura.

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