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Choi Youngjae was definitely not enjoying the radio show by now. He was shifting in his seat. He felt restless. He couldn't pinpoint the exact feeling but he knew that Jinyoung's hands on the Leader's thigh was not making him happy. They were whispering something to eachother and Youngjae really wanted to know what it is but he kept quite.

Jaebum was making goofy faces with Youngjae when suddenly Jinyoung moved closer and kept his hands on his thighs. They have known eachother for so long that these gestures were common for them. He started telling him how the host was secretly glancing at Mark and Mark being oblivious about it. They were making fun of Mark when suddenly JB noticed Youngjae shifting in his seat. He then moved closer to the younger and asked "You alright Jae?"

Youngjae was a bit startled at the sudden question and regained his composure before answering "Yeah am good hyung!" with a soft smile. The Leader smiled back and started to check the script again.

Jinyoung was enjoying the whole scene. He was laughing internally at the younger's reaction when he moved closer to the Leader. He clearly knew that Youngjae was possessive over JB. He loved to tease the younger and make him puff his cheek when he was ignored. It made him look so cute and Jinyoung always watched with adoration. He also knew that JB was totally unaware of the effect he had on Youngjae. But he always felt that JB had a soft spot for the Sunshine.

After the Radio show they came back to the dorm and the Manager announced that they are free for the next couple of days. The group were excited and happy to get some days for themselves. Eventhough they were tired, they planned some outings for the next days before going to sleep.

In the shared room, JB and Youngjae were getting ready to sleep and that's when Youngjae found a bug under his blanket. He screamed out and ran towards his Hyung and clinged onto him.

"No wonder you are the main vocalist Youngjae but what the hell happened?", JB looked down at the younger who had his arms and legs around him.

"There is a stupid bug on my bed!", he said looking carefully at his bed.

"What are you? A 5 year old?", JB asked hiding the smile.

"Hyung you know I hate such creatures!", the younger whined.

"Aish this boy! Now get off! Let me go and kill it then", JB found him so cute. He didn't know why but he was always soft for the younger.

"No! I don't wanna kill that poor creature. I will sleep in the living room. It will be gone by morning anyways", Youngjae said while getting off the Leader and walking towards the door.

"No way! It's really cold outside. Sleep with me today", JB said while cleaning his bed.

For some reasons Youngjae felt nervous. It's kind of normal for them to sleep together. They had done it when they were trainees and also in the early debut days but that was a long time back. They also shared the bed when they were abroad. But the bed in the dorm was smaller. He was deep in his thoughts staring at the bed.

After cleaning JB found Youngjae staring at the bed. He was worried for some reason. He didn't wanna get rejected by the younger. He tapped on the younger's shoulder to bring him back from thoughts.

"You okay? Am not gonna eat you and it's a normal thing for us right?", JB asked carefully. He always felt happy to have the younger close to him. He could never explain the reason. Youngjae always had a special effect on him.

"Yeah right its normal for us!", he found that word disappointing. He loved when the elder was close to him. He found it special. Maybe only for him it was special, he thought.

"Let's sleep then!", JB said with his eye smile and got into his bed. He patted the space next to him signaling Youngjae to get in. As soon as the younger got in JB wrapped his arms around him. He always wanted to cuddle with him but found it weird to ask the younger. Finally he got a chance and he was determined to use it to the fullest. He felt his heart beating faster for some reason.

Youngjae was more than surprised when strong arms wrapped around him. He was all flustered and started to shift in the bed to hide his nervousness.

"Youngjae-aahh stop moving! You are my teddy bear for the day. Now just close your eyes and sleep", he said in a soft whisper with a small smile on his face. He could tell that the younger was nervous and found it extremely cute.

"Uh okay hyung! Good Night", Youngjae was happy. He had his favorite hyung next to him. He was still nervous for some reason. He couldn't help but smile when JB put his hand under his head and moved closer. He heard the soft snores of the Leader and slept peacefully to the sound of it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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