fall for you

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in which jungkook is a total sub.

word count : 1,105 words.

jeon jungkook. the mere mention of his name could send the girls of bighit high into a frenzy. they loved him, worshipped him, admired him. even the boys of the school looked up to him and wanted to be him.

all except for kim taehyung. the senior never really understood the hype around jeon jungkook. to him, the younger was only a normal boy with above average looks and a knack for every single skill out there. nothing much.

taehyung didn't hate him. he was just indifferent to the boy. he knew jungkook was a nice guy, as they had some mutual friends and they had a few classes together. the younger was always polite to teachers and rarely fooled around in class, hands flitting around on his notebook

taehyung sighed. he was behind on his mandarin class homework again, due to his disinterest towards the language. his mind just couldn't wrap itself around the many characters and confusing pronunciations. there were so many strokes to the words too.

he banged his head against the table in frustration, being unable to answer a simple question on the worksheet. it was at the tip of his tongue, or rather brain, but he just couldn't figure it out.

he heard the chair across him being pulled out. clicking his tongue in frustration, he lifted his head up.

jeon jungkook?

"hyung, can i sit here? there's no one else in the library and since we're in some of the classes together, why not just study together?" jungkook rambled, blushing.

taehyung nodded his head, hands pushing back his bangs. he recently got them cut and dyed a gray colour, so he was still getting used to the pieces of hair on his forehead. his friends said that it looked good on him and he decided it was a good enough judgement.

"gray looks good on you, hyung. i've always wanted to dye my hair but never had the guts to," jungkook complimented him.

"thanks," taehyung muttered and returned his focus to his chinese worksheet.

jungkook couldn't believe it. he was sitting across his crush of 2 years, kim taehyung. in the library. and they were studying. together.

he adjusted his beanie, being careful not to muss up his hair. he was getting tired of his brown locks and wanted to try a new colour, but he didn't know what colour to choose.

shrugging the question away mentally, he decided to study his physics first. physics had always been his toughest subject albeit interesting. he just had to study it more and work harder, the usual cycle.

he flipped open his physics reference book and started reading. it was a harder chapter, touching up on photonics and whatnot. he grumbled in frustration, but continued to study the chapter.

halfway through photonics, he heard an angry mutter, definitely not from himself. it was deep and rich, and it sounded like taehyung. the younger looked up from his book, and saw the senior constantly pushing his bangs back while tapping the table.

taehyung sensed a pair of eyes looking at him and glanced up. the younger was looking at him, probably pondering the root of his frustration.

jungkook's a smart kid, right?

"yah, jungkook. could you help me with my chinese worksheet? there are so many questions i don't know how to answer," taehyung pleaded the younger.

"sure!" jungkook replied while mentally slapping himself.

stop being so enthusiastic.

"ohhhh so the pronunciations for 不 differ depending on the word before it and same goes for 一?" taehyung said.

"you got it, hyung!" jungkook gave him a thumbs up.

"ah jungkook, thank you so much for today," taehyung said while packing his books.

"no problem, hyung!"

the senior glanced at jungkook, who was also packing up. it had been hours since they had worked on the worksheet together.

"wanna walk to the dorms together?" taehyung asked the boy.

"w-why not?" jungkook replied.

ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod we're gonna walk together ohmygod.

jungkook felt himself blush as he felt the elder's eyes on him. he shrugged on his backpack and scooped up the remainder of his books. he stumbled a bit, not expecting the weight.


"jungkook-ah, that looks heavy. let me help you with that," his crush said while reaching for the stack of books.

before jungkook could protest, taehyung had already scooped the books into the crook of his arm. the elder flashed his signature rectangular smile at him and proceeded to walk out the library.

they walked along the path to the dorms in a silence. both boys had never interacted before, so conversation topics were scarce for them. the only thing taehyung knew about jungkook was his popularity, nothing more.

but jungkook knew a lot about taehyung. he knew how taehyung loved taking pictures and he always brought his vintage camera around. he knew how much taehyung loved dogs, and often stared at the elder's selcas with his dogs with a smile. he knew taehyung hated ghosts with a passion, after witnessing a prank played on the said boy before.

oh, jungkook knew a lot about kim taehyung.

"kookie, you there?" taehyung waved a hand in front of his face.

jungkook nodded his head and turned his head so he was facing the road instead of the gray haired boy.

taehyung was feeling awkward. very awkward.

truth be told, over the past 4 hour study session, the elder started develop a small adoration for the younger. he had sneakily admired the jungkook's facial features while jungkook was teaching him the complicated grammar of the chinese language.

his watery eyes, filled with innocence and wonder. his smooth skin, devoid of any flaw. his pink lips, looking oh so tempting. taehyung observed every one of his features, for scientific purposes of course.

jungkook was adorable, taehyung decided. he wanted to know the younger more and racked his brain for ideas on how to take the younger out indirectly.

"hey, jungkook. how about i teach you about physics this saturday?" the elder asked.

jungkook whipped his head around, still processing the question. his crush teaching him physics? hell to the yes please. he could interact with taehyung more, without feeling awkward.

"s-sure!" the younger replied with a hint of enthusiasm.

they had reached the dorms by then. taehyung lived at the other side of the building. he handed jungkook his stack of books and bid him goodbye with a wave of his hand and his rectangular smile, but not before yelling,

"it's a date, jungkook!"

jungkook just stood there for ten minutes, dumbfounded and floating on cloud nine.

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