Chapter 12

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Mysterious person's POV

I'm sorry Yongsun, I didn't mean to stab you, i wanted to stab her! But why did you interfere? WHY? You shouldn't have!

I love you so much, why can't you see that, I'm sorry for being such a useless person and dumping you and all that, but please love me back, please come back to me, instead of that bitch!


I will kill her, just she wait, Yongsun, you'll be mine, and no one can interfere in our love life anymore once you are mine.

I laughed and smiled eavily.

"Just you wait and see what happens."

Moonbyul's POV

Me, Wheein and Hwasa were now investigating into this matter.

"Could you describe how the person looked like?" Hwasa asked and i frowned, deep in thought before remembering that his face was covered..

"Urm..he had a black cap and mask on, so I couldn't see who it was." I said and she thought of something else.

"Hmm..Solar, did you have any else that you used to like?" She said and Solar looked at her, and suddenly lit up.


"Just say it Yongsun." I said looking at her, and she gulped.

"Eric nam. Why?" She asked, frowning.

"Because..don't you guys get it yet?"


Hwasa just sighed and Wheein helped her.

"What she meant that Eric could be a psycho, so in that sense, wants to kill Moonbyul but by accident stab Yongsun instead." Wheein said in a relaxed manner.

Eric..why does this name sounds so.... familiar?

Don't tell me it's..i shook my head, no Moonbyul he is gone already.

I looked at Yongsun as she took out her photo that she took with him.

A pinch of jealousy flowed through me and i tried not to be jealous, why does she still have his photo anyways?

"This is how he looked like when we were in teenagers." Solar said and i looked at the picture, my mouth widened in shocked.

"It's him!"

They gave a blank expression and i explained to them who he was to me.

"Eric was like my older brother..when he gone away, I didn't know where he went or why he left the school but he did, and then he joined some other school, people said that he was a playboy and all, thats why they want to expel him, but I don't know, he was the one who was always there for me and all.."

"Eric Nam is not trustworthy from the start Moonstar ah."

"Huh?" I looked over at her, i felt hurt by what she just said.

She sighed and took my hand in hers.

"Wait don't start, we will go out and try to solve this, enjoy talking." Hwasa winked at both of us, while Wheein had a playful smirk on her face, wiggling her brows in the process.

I nodded my head and smiled back to those two, winking backin the process.

"Moonbyul..look at me." She said, cupping my face.

My heart started thumping hard against my chest when she made me look at her, my eyes then travelled down to her lips which were so addictive.

"Snap out of it." She said sternly and i gulped.

Opps...She is mad.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked her and she started crying.

I hugged her tight, comforting her and telling her that it was okay and that she could tell me anything, and trust me.

"H-e..rap-ed me!" She shrieked and my eyes widened in shock.

I clenched my fist, i could feel the anger burning in me now.

"H-e was such a playboy..n-o one coul-d stop him fr-om doing anything, i s-aid no a-nd kep-t rejecting h-im, b-ut he didn't g-ive up pestering m-e, an-d the-n that happened."

I took in deep breaths, not wanting to lose my cool.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked and cupped her cheeks, kissing her forehead.

"I-m sor-ry Moonbyul ah..i was just sca-red at how you'll re-act.." she sniffled and i sighed.

"Babe, i will avenge you, i promise, I didn't know thta he was this type of person, yet..he treats me so nice, i was so guilable at that time, i hate him so much." I said, still cupping her cheeks.

She patted the spot next to her, and i smiled.

I got on the bed and faced her, she snuggled into me, making the emptiness that i once felt fade away.

I smiled and looked at her softly.

"Babe, don't think about it too much, okay? Promise me."

"I promise, sleep now Byul ah, you must be tired."

"How bout those two?"

"They will figure it out sooner or later." She said and snuggled into my neck, and hugged me tighter.

"Okay." I chuckled slightly and patted her to sleep.

Sorry if this was a kinda short, boring and a rushy chap, lol i feel so dead now I didn't even knw wat i wrote anyways i hope u guys liked this chap and please vote n comment thx guys, goodnight

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