Chapter 7

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Principals office

As I got to the door of the principals office I picked up the key and slowly turned it in the lock.

As I stepped in I looked around. I had never really been in this office. As far as I was concerned I was a good girl.

Focusing on the task at had I started rummaging through the slightly decomposed papers

I picked one up addressed to the principal it was signed by someone called General Grimmworeled

I skimmed through it the few words I caught where;

Evacuate school
Remove with force

By now I was very confused experiments....

Then something perquliar happend

the world glitched everything disfigured

then I opened my eyes to see a man with 4 fingers staring at me.

~~General Grimmworeled's POV~~

'Kill her she has reached the end of her test'

I walked over to the next operating table

lying on it was a dark girl with lovely black hair.

I brushed the hair out of her eyes

'well this is going to be fun...'

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