Adjusting to Married Life

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Months have past for Anastasia and Me since being married. I have been trying to convince her that we should go away for a second honeymoon. After finding out that she was pregnant was a real shocker for me, I never thought before meeting my wife, yes I love saying that, my life would change in so many ways. It has taken me awhile to fully except that I am capable to becoming a super father. Ana has showed me in so many ways that I am worthy to be loved. "Now I intend on showing all my love and devotion to our Son too!!!!!"

When I saw the ultrasound and Dr. Green told us we were going to have a son, it did a click in my head, I looked to my beautiful wife and saw the biggest smile on her face. I knew right then an there, that everything was going to be ok. We walked out of the doctors office holding hands, just smiling and making plans for our future son.

After the whole "Hyde incident," Roach decided to retire, by me being the owner of SIP, I convinced Ana to take his position. "I said to her, give it a chance, if you feel it is too much you can back down, or hire a COO like I have Ros!" Ana did a lot of thinking and soul searching and decided to take the title. She was glad that she did. She took his position over like it was always meant for her to be. Ana still loves reading, so everyone once in awhile she still edits. Hey she's the boss can do as she pleases. On the positive side, I was able to convince Ana to relocate SIP!

Now SIP is located at GEH on the 18th floor of our building. Ana has full control. We are planning on having a day care center there set up, because now Ana wants to continue working after our son is born. Believe me we had some heavy fights about it, there was no way in hell I wanted her to work the first three years after our son would be born. Eventually I finally gave in. My wife can get pretty bossy. Seems a little bit of me has rubbed off on Ana.

She has changed and grown up. I guess being married to a "control freak" she had too. Now she speaks up, is no more the naive "Little Bookworm," who knocked my world out when we first met at my office for the interview for the WSU college newspaper. Every day I thank the lord that it was Anastasia who showed up for the interview and not Kate.

Speaking of Kate, she has changed my brother in so many ways, after she said yes to marrying him back then in Aspen. He has taken the responsibility of being a better man. Sure he still clowns around and makes silly jokes, but now you can have a normal conversation with him too! He also takes his responsibilities serious! While we were in Aspen, Kate did not know it at the time that she was pregnant. So yes, Ana and Kate are going to be Moms almost the same time together. They will be expecting a girl some time after our son. Everyone was thrilled with the news, including me that they will be growing up so close in age as cousins!!!!!

Kate who always wanted a big wedding, at the last minute decided on doing the complete opposite. It was a small gathering just family and friends in the back yard by my parents. Since being married she too has changed, she still cares a great deal for Ana, which I have learned to except. I told her that Ana will always be loved, cared for and protected by me.

She gave me hell after the stunt I pulled when Ana told me she was pregnant. Really my whole family were on me about it, for quite awhile. Even though they talked to me, I could feel the bad vibe. Forget about Ray he was furious when he founded out accidentally. I thought he was going to come in the night while I was sleeping and shoot me. Thankfully that is all in the past now.

Elliot and Kate have a house not too far from us. Now we live in our dream house, on the Puget Sound. Perfect place for "The Grace" to be docked! Elliot surprised me right before we left for our honeymoon and said he was going to try and get our house done sooner than expected. "It is my wedding gift to you Bro!"

Once he heard from us that Ana was expecting, and everything was back to normal between Ana and Me, he took the job full on, to make sure we would be living in "our new house," right away!!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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