Chapter One: Discovery

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"We are live in front of the Ajin's house. This is the third Ajin discovery and fugitive on Japanese Soil. This small town is in an uproar," The news presenter said, as the camera zoomed in and out and around the scene. "I've thought for a long time now that he didn't seem human," The screen changed to a picture of Watanabe before it abruptly turned off.

"God...I don't think they'll ever shut up after this, Okaachan," A blonde haired girl sighed, looking behind her to her mother. Sitting down on the floor, the girl closed her eyes in thought. An Ajin, hmm? Why would they make a big deal of it? It's not like they aren't human... Her red eyes opened again as she looked towards her watch. 11:19. "I should get to bed now, Okaachan. See you in the morning," The girl murmured, standing up once again from the floor and starting to make her way to the door. "Miyu," A hoarse voice called out, making the girl turn to face her mother, "Take care of yourself tomorrow...I feel as though something bad will happen."

Miyu sat up abruptly, pushing the bedsheets down to her waist, gasping. It couldn't have been any later than 1 AM. Two hours of sleep...Seriously? I have school tommorrow...or should I say today? The blonde groaned as she attempted to fall back to sleep by drawing the covers back over her head, but it was no use and she later gave up trying. Looking over at the alarm clock beside her bed, she saw that it was actually far past One in the morning now. It was almost four. Maybe I should start getting ready for school. Reaching over to where she's put her glasses the night before, she took them into her hand and put them on her face, and her vision cleared up at once. Yes, It really was four in the morning, Her eyes were not deceiving her. With a groan, Miyu pushed her way out of her bed, shivering slightly as her feet touched the cold floor. Had her mother forgotten to turn on the heating for her room? Yes, that was the case. Her mother always forgets to do that.

A knock came from the door, making Miyu look over. "Yu-Chan? Are you awake? There is something on the news you should see!" The voice of her older brother called out. Her brother had been in Nagai's class. Maybe he'd seen the 'accident' the day before. "Oniisan..?" Miyu called out, walking quickly over to the door to see the sight of her brown-eyed brother once it was opened. Almost immediately, he had grabbed her hand and dragged her into the living room, where the news station was playing. It was the same woman from the night before. "The whereabouts of Nagai Kei, The third Ajin to appear in Japan, are still unknown. News of the Ajin's discovery is spreading quickly. As the world is waiting for more information, we are able to tell you that there is an unknown accomplice with the Ajin. They have broken past police checkpoints, and some suspect that they are in a completely different prefecture. That is it for now, but we will keep you up to date with information as we receive it," The news reporter said, before the screen switched to a picture of a male standing in the city. "Now for the weather, by Tadashi Yamanashi-" The voice was abruptly cut off as Miyu groaned, holding the remote. Getting her hand free from her brother's, she put the remote down and left the room with silent footsteps.

Going back to her bedroom, Miyu took out her uniform and changed. A few minutes passed, before she called out of her room, "Okaachan? Do you know where my socks and shoes are?" A chuckle came from the kitchen as her mother answered, "They're by the door, Miyu, where they always are." "Thanks!" The sixteen year old called out, rushing out of her room with her school bag in one hand and the other brushing her hair with a hairbrush. Getting to the door, she sat down, and pulled up her knee-length socks and put on her black shoes, before rushing back into the kitchen to steal a piece of toast from her brother. "Hey! Yu-Chan!" Haruto yelled as she ran back out of the room and grabbed her bag. "I'm off!" The teen proclaimed as she walked out of the front door, closing it on her sibling's face.

The smile didn't fade from her face as she skipped to the bus station, which was unusual. Many people around her were walking with scared, anxious looks on their faces. Must be because of Nagai. When she got there, she stood swaying back and forth, the smile still plastered on her face. Still holding the toast she stole from her brother as her breakfast, she had forgotten that. But the remembrance made her smile more as she started to eat at it as she waited for the bus. About ten minutes of standing in the summer-like heat, the bus stopped at the bus station, and Miyu and the people around her boarded. Now, the smile was gone, replaced by a neutral look. Like she was lost in thought, and wasn't in tune with reality.

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