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You Don't Know Me

Chapter 17

Not Edited

~ Summer Preston's POV ~

Christmas shopping was one of my favorite things to do because I was able to do it by myself. No siblings, no parents, no friends and defiantly no fake boyfriend crushes.

I've spent so much time with Anthony lately that I just needed a break. A moment to clear my mind and figure out what was going on.

First priority is the gifts though. I needed to get one for everyone. Mom & Dad, Eric, Matt, Sage, May, Kevin, Devin, Marc, Sky, Marilyn and Anthony. Thank god I don't spend my allowance and just save it.

I was at the mall so it will probably be easy to find everyone something.

It was easy to find something for Mom & Dad. I bought them matching onesies (yes they were that couple.) Dad's was designed as a football player and Mom's was designed as a cheerleader. They're going to love that. They're nostalgic like that.

I got Eric one of those crystal things with pictures in them. I had them put a picture of the football team in it since this was his last year playing on the team. It'll probably be broken by the time the year ends (because of how clumsy and messy he is) but it's worth it.

I got Matt a custom jersey from the sports store with his name & number on it.

I was in the sports store searching for a good pair of ice skates for Sage since she was using an old pair I used to use. If she seriously wanted to be a hockey player (which I'm pretty sure she is serious about it) she needs a good pair of skates. The bad thing is, I know nothing about hockey or ice skates.

"You're Sage's sister...right?" Someone asks and I turn around and see the boy she was talking to on her birthday. I think his name is Benjamin.

"Yeah! You're Benjamin right?" I smiled.

"Yeah" He nods. "You look confused" He laughs.

"Uh yeah. I'm trying to buy a good pair of skates for Sage and I have no idea which ones are good" I laugh.

"The Bauer Youth Vapor X300 Skates are really good for beginners" He pointed to a box.

"I guess I'll get these" I laugh.

"She needs to break them in first so don't think they're too small" He says.


I got May some new shoes for cheer since her old ones were getting worn out.

I bought Kevin, Devin & Marc this gigantic Lego set. I think it's supposed to be a spaceship when it's finished. And I got Sky a cute llama plushie.

I've been working on Marilyn's gift for weeks. I ordered a bunch of pictures of us all ranging from when we were babies to just a few weeks ago and made a gigantic collage. Then I got it framed so it looks clean cut.

Anthony was the only one I had an issue with figuring out what to get him. What could I get him that wasn't too meaningless but also wasn't too meaningful?

I thought about getting him something football related but decided against it since everyone was probably going to get him something like that.

Then I thought about framing the picture we took from homecoming but felt like that would be a little too romantic.

I was honestly at a loss for what to get him until I saw the cutest beanie at the customization kiosk.

a u t h o r s   note

Alright I'm so sorry for this chapter being so short! It's just a filler! It sucks so bad ugh. Don't worry the next chapters will be better!

c a m m i

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