The last script

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~It's better to have loved and lost; than to have never loved at all~

The Last Script

As soon as I laid eyes on her I knew she was the one. Long flowing chocolate hair, bright ocean eyes with specks of hazel near the pupil, a perfect straight nose, that wonderful dazzling white smile...she was like an angel. My angel. I remember walking into that classroom, my emotions running wild, my heart nearly ripping out my torso. High school was a scary thing at that young age, I suddenly had my doubts about the combed back hair, black tie on my cotton shirt the collars turned up towards my neck. The girls at the front row giggled behind their desks, they leaned over towards me revealing alot of their upper layer. A tanned blonde winked at me. I could tell she wanted me. The teacher sat at the desk sorting his papers, those round spectacles slipping off the edge of his huge nose. The sun streamed in through the window lighting up the dirtied graffited walls and dull interior. I turned to walk down an aisle to get to a spare seat at the back of the room, many eyes followed me curiously, probably looking at my worn sneakers or my huge leather side bag with badges clipped on the front of it, crude words imprinted on the shiny surfaces.

I looked from the floor.

The most beautiful girl smiled at me.

Time stopped there and then. And so did my heart. The girl was so angelic, so modest which I liked about her straight away. She wore a long sleeved lilac t-shirt with bootcut jeans and flat buckled boots, her long chocolate hair was held in a long side pony that tumbled like a fountain down the side of her body. But it wasn't her clothing or other stuff men stereotypically look for (such as for example on the blonde).

It was those eyes.

Bright ocean blue with hazel speckles around the pupil.

I looked down embarrised, dumped down that leather bag and sat in my chair behind her. I wanted to know her. It was so strange. I've read and seen love but never had I felt the emotion. Til now. It was a warmth that spread throughout me, it was the pounding of my heart. I looked away out the window as the teacher got up and began to ramble about world war 1. She was so out of my league.

She won't feel the same. Surely?

When the lesson finally came to a close I reached for my bag, I felt someone beside me and looked up.

It was her.

"Hi are you new here?"

Her voice was as beautiful as her appearance, silky and like a drug. I wanted her to speak more.

"Y...yes" I stammered like an idiot, I mentally face palmed myself as I stood up and made a few books fall off my desk.

She just giggled as I struggled getting the books off the classroom floor, I placed them on the side and asserted myself.

"I'm Luna Marigold"

"I'm...i'm...Jake Baker"

She giggled once more as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Your kinda cute Jake Baker, she giggled some more, so whats your story?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know...where do you come from? Why would you come to an isolated town like this in the middle of nowhere kinda story?"

She blushed slightly making me even more nervous.

"I come from west end...of london...."

I shuffled awkwardly as her mouth dropped open and she was speechless for a few moments.

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