Two | Ben

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What a crappy start to the week.

I glare at the screen of my tablet, grinding my teeth.

"Thanks, Ben. I owe you one," my colleague says with a broad grin before returning to his desk.

"Uh-huh." I blow out my cheeks and roll my tense shoulders back. Why on earth did I agree to fix these diagrams for a presentation my not-so-talented co-worker screwed up? I have to finish the graphics for a different ad campaign due today, but that'll have to wait now.

This fits right in with my sour mood. After a shit weekend and yet another fight with my dad over his health, because he's careless with his medication, I didn't hear my alarm this morning. I forgot my coffee when I rushed out of my apartment thirty minutes late, and the crowded subway annoyed the fuck out of me. When I reached the building of Wilson & Partners, my expression should have scared everyone off.

Unfortunately, some people aren't scared off by anything, so instead of letting me do my job, my colleague had the audacity to approach me.

I glare and grumble some more when a familiar voice calls my name.

"Hi, Ben."

My lips stretch into a grin. A chat with my friend will bring a welcome distraction. "Hey, Lauren," I say before lifting my head, intending to direct a grateful smile at her, but she's not alone.

That's when my gaze falls on her.

She walks behind Lauren, fixing her big, beautiful eyes on me, causing my breath to hitch. When a blush suffuses her cheeks, something funny happens to my entire body, especially my groin. Wow, I can't remember the last time eye contact had such a powerful effect on me. As she saunters by, a hint of her sweet, flowery scent fills my nose and does even funnier things to my brain.

What the hell is happening?

Before I grasp what this woman causes in me, Lauren's voice snaps me out of my haze. "Here we are."

Then she's gone.

With my mouth agape, I stare at the office she disappeared into. She was real, wasn't she? A glint in her eyes evoked sensations I thought were lost, and I wonder if this is a dream. At the same time, I've finally woken up from the nightmare that has been this Monday morning.

Leaning back in my chair, I close my eyes and draw in a slow breath. Calm your damn hormones, Ben.

At the sound of Luke's door, my eyes snap open. Lauren waves as she strides past my desk but doesn't stay for a chat as she usually does.

"Lauren, wait," I call after her.

She stops in her tracks, raising her eyebrows. "Yes?"

"Who was that?" I jut my chin toward Luke's office, and she squints at the door.

"Amy, Luke's new assistant," she says, turning back to me, eyebrows still raised. "She's the girl I met at my yoga class, remember?"

Damn. The mental image of that woman in tight yoga pants is the last thing I need. I'm a grown man, for goodness' sake, and not some horny teenager.

I shift in my seat. "Yeah, I do; I just didn't expect ... that." I point my finger at the office door, doing a shit job of pretending to seem unfazed.

"What did you expect?" She raises her eyebrows a little higher.

"She doesn't resemble the ones he usually preys on."

Lauren laughs. "What are you talking about?"

"Come on." I roll my eyes, huffing. "He didn't hire his last assistant based on her skills." This isn't just my opinion of my boss, as he supposedly had his hands on every willing female in this company, including his former assistant. I shudder at the memory. "No one was worse than that blondie. Sorry, no offense," I add, giving Lauren a half-smile.

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