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By: Rachel Gray

Disclaimer: This ship was originally created by camokittycat (aka my BFF Bella)

Warning: This is a crack ship

Nic's POV

                I got off the bus as quick as I could and saw my boyfriend waiting for me at the usual spot. I walked towards him. "Hey Wally," I said. He said nothing as always. I then saw my friends Rachel and Drew walking towards me. "Hey guys!" I called.

Rachel's POV

                 Drew and I walked toward Nic. "Hey Nic," I said. I hadn't seen Nic all morning because I had spent the night at Bella's. "Have you guys met my boyfriend?" Nic asked. "Who?" Drew asked. I laughed. Bella had told me the new last night. "This is my new boyfriend, Wally." He replied. "Dude, that's a wall!" Drew yelled. Drew was laughing to now.

Nic's POV

                I was very offended by Drew's insult. "How dare you!" I yelled. I then stormed away with Wally behind me.

Author interrupts

Just so you guys know Wally is a Wall.

Nic's POV

                 "What the heck! How is the wall following you?!" Drew yelled after me. I flipped him off. "Hey, be a man and do that to my face!" he replied. At this I turned around, walked towards him, and punched him in the face. I then walked back to Wally and gave him a kiss.  I saw Rachel pretending to barf in the background. "They're just jealous" I muttered.

The End

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