Sick Days

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im sick for the first time since i was actually a child so here ya go


You're sick!
- he uses it as an excuse to skip school
- he attempts to make homemade chicken noodle soup
- nearly burns the damn house down
- you make yourself a can of tomato soup you found in the cupboard, you also make grilled cheese and educate him on how to use the stove
- the eduction does not go well because he's pissy about being embarrassed
- the whole day you basically make fun of him for not knowing how to cook and making a sick person do it instead
- image: Henry angrily nomming on a grilled cheese
- you convince him to cuddle with you, he complains the whole time but secretly likes it
- he actually attempts to be sweet to you the whole day through because he knows you already feel shitty as is


He's sick!
- he almost never gets sick so you actually get pretty worried
- you practically sprint to his house the minute you can, you just sigh when you see him snuggled up in his blanket, watching cartoons
- "Come watch TV with me, (Y/N). It's Cat-Cat-Mouse time."
- "You sound like fucking nerd. Just say Tom and Jerry, you weirdo."
- when his fever starts going up, he nearly passes out as he's not used to being so sick, and all he talks about is goldfish crackers
- (can you tell yet that i have an avid headcanon that Patrick has an obsession with goldfish crackers)
- you freak out and call a doctor, but by the time you're taken off of hold, Patrick already feels better lmao


He's sick!
- he's literally always sick so you just sigh when he calls you, sobbing and snotting all over the receiver about how he feels like death is coming for him or something
- you do go over to his house to comfort him, though
- you two play boardgames like Candyland together while talking about everythibg under the sun
- the board games end up getting super competitive
- you lose but as Vic's cheering and rubbing it in your face, you steal his thunder by claiming you "only let the poor, sick boy win"
- he gets drowsy enough for you to convince him to let you do his hair in pigtails
- you take pictures (in which he makes really goofy smiles) and when you get them developed, you put them up everywhere in your room 'cause they're just so cute


You're sick!
- he gets so worried because you weren't in 2nd hour and immediately rushes to your house at lunch
- (the reason he got so worried is because you didn't tell him you were sick and obviously Pennywise is out there eating whole ass children)
- "If you would've told me, I'd have come with cough syrup and chocolate! This is why you have to tell me things, (Y/N)!"
- after quickly going through your cupboards, he decides to make you some potato soup
- (i want potato soup, now)
- literally does EVERYTHING for you
- he makes you a little pillow fort between your couch and TV
- god, what a cutie
- he forces you to take your medicine even if it takes bad
- you two play pattycakes and watch Family Feud all day, just longing around and having fun



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