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Ummm.... Hi guys I'm new to this and I don't really know if this is good or not but I hope you guys like it. Please comments and vote if you like it and you want me too continue.




If you're are reading this and you find some connection with your life, my advice is: STOP READING RIGHT NOW. Don't ever walk in the woods alone and especially not in the dark. Also please don't talk to any type of animal that is dangerous. I don't care if the animal look familiar or harmless don't look, touch, or talk to it. Because if you do... well good luck. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Look, I didn't ask to be a werewolf. Hell I didn't even want to know they were ever real. I sometimes wish that I was never born or was just a normal teenager that only worry about is boys, parties and being reckless and stupid that only cares about is themselves. But no I have to be a werewolf but here's the part when it's get good. I'm a She-Wolf. The one and only one that's alive I might add.

Being a She-Wolf is dangerous. It's scary. Being a teenage girl is one thing, but being the only werewolf that's a girl is a whole other thing. You see, being a She-Wolf is dangerous because there aren't any alive because they were killed. So it's rare to see a She-Wolf anywhere. They say that the She-Wolf are the most powerful werewolf ever. More powerful then the elders wolves. They was so powerful that they killed them all because they were scared.

We aren't average werewolf that you watch on television or read in books were different. Our weakness is different and our moon are different too. For one thing silver doesn't bothers us. We're immune to any type of silver. The only thing that could kill us is by ripping our hearts out, cutting off our heads and cutting our body in half just below our diaphragm is. Also our weakness is Aconitum which other people would call it wolf bane. It could weaken us but not kill us unless you have lot of it. There are four different types of moons. The moons are a blue moon, a red moon, a full moon, and a silver mix with gold moon. Each moon has there own meanings. The red moon is an evil moon. The blue moon is the good moon. The silver mix with gold moon means there's a new one that joined the pack. The full moon is mix with all of the moon's. So basically it could be good, bad anything could happen when it's up.

So if you're a normal hormonal teenage girl. Read on. I envy you for being a normal teenage girl. Who doesn't have to worry about someone is going to find you and kill you or anything. So go on keep reading and enjoy you're life while you can.

Picture on side is Luna Lucian

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