Cherishing, those feelings pleasuring Cover me, unwanted clemency Scream till there's silence
The next day we were all at the movie store by we I mean myself , Billy and Stu and Randy was working but he was following us around to store as we looked for a movie to watch.
Billy was standing close to me and not leaving my side and I liked it when Randy wasn't around he would kiss me on my shoulder or hold my hand. He didn't want to do that near Randy because he was basically like a female he loved to gossip because he couldn't keep his mouth shut for the life of him.
We were walking in the horror section looking for a movie "you two are obsessed with horror movies I don't know how you two sleep sometimes" I said to Billy and Stu. Which made Stu laugh as I kept picking up movies reading the back and putting them away I saw Randy coming up to us "So Mila want to get something to eat tonight?" He asked which made Billy stare him down I rolled my eyes "Randy do I need to tell you the answer again? Because it's not going to change" I said annoyed "dude just give up" Stu said "she would rather get her insides taken out than go out with you" he added with a smile and a laugh which made me look at him disgusted that he chose those words but it got Randy to leave.
"Did you have to say I would rather have my insides taken out what if he comes at night and tries to kill me now, we all know the obsessed guy always kills the girl he's obsessed with" I said standing in front of Stu "Your like my little sister you really think we would let him come close to you and kill you?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder as we grabbed prom night and chainsaw massacre and went to the front counter.
As we were walking towards Stuart's house I decided to confront him about his annoying calls "Also stop calling me and breathing it's getting annoying" I said as I was walking in the middle of Billy and Stu and eating my popsicle "Wasn't me I was busy with Tatum maybe it was Billy?" He said with a smirk "nice try Billy was with me" I said smacking him in the back of the head which got Billy to chuckle "also don't tell Tatum about me and Mila I want to break it off with Sid before she hears from her" Billy said to Stu "got it" he said as he opened the door to his house.
After awhile of watching the movie I was laying across the boys my head was on Billy's lap as my legs were on Stus.
"Let's play a game" Stu said "what are we three?" I asked sitting up "come on it'll be fun!" He said with a big smile "fine!" I said "okay...if we were in a scary movie...and these are the rules you have to follow to survive so let's see if you can answer properly" Stu said I rolled my eyes "see I told you that you guys watch scary movies too much now this one is going to start thinking we are in one" I said rolling my eyes and sitting in Billy's lap who put his arm around my waist but he also looked very interested in it "oh come on Mia just answer me and Billy already played this the other day" Stu said I looked over to Billy who nodded his head.
"What are the rules even?" I asked.
"Okay you won't survive if you drink or do drugs"Stu said.
"Perfect I passed that one because I don't drink or do drugs" I said with a smile.
"What are the three things you shouldn't say, because it's always a sign your going to die" Stu said
"Hello?, I'll be back, and who's there" I said as I leaned more into Billy
"Perfect your getting them all right so far. You more than likely won't survive anyways" he stated
"Why the hell is that!" Said annoyed "Because if you've had sex you more than likely won't survive" he said with a smirk " so you two wouldn't survive because you two have had sex" I said pointing out a fact "True, but it's usually the girl who dies if she has a horror film so we wouldn't die because we wouldn't have sex during it" he said as a fact.
"Well for your fact neither would I, I'm in the clear" I said with a smile on my face Billy just sat there listing to us go back and forth, "And why is that" Stu said with a smirk kinda already knowing why but he wanted Billy to hear it "Because I'm a virgin. There for I would have to lose my virginity if I wanted to die and I don't plan on losing it anytime soon, sorry Billy" I said as I gave him a kiss "it's okay" he whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck "like I said have sex...just not when your in the movie" he said with a smile as he leaned back.
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