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Klay's House

Oakland , California

8:38 AM

Inanna Sarkis.

I felt an arm around my waist as I woke up. I looked forward, noticing the beige walls. I ignored the fact that I was in Klay's house. I turned around and behold there was he was. I smiled slightly, rubbing my thumb across his cheek. I realized I had to pee so I got out of his tight hold and stood up, only to fall on my face. I groaned before standing up. 

I had no clothes on and my legs were weak.

Wobbling, I grabbed some of my left over jeans and t-shirt that I left long time ago. I texted an Uber to pick me up.  I fucked up. Real bad.

Even though Hannah is a terrible person , she doesn't deserve for me to sleep with Klay.

I ran out the door with a barking Rocco behind me. I quickly told the driver to pull off. Thank God I was leaving because once I left the road where Klay's house was , I saw Hannah's black Rolls Royce turning on the same road I just left.

I turned back around and stared outside the window. I was soon dropped off my apartment complex and I tipped the man before leaving. I went inside and immediately decided to take a bath. I sat there once again, thinking about how bad my life was and how difficult it became within two months.

The only man I ever deeply wasn't mine and I hated it.




Klay Thompson

"Babe are you listening ?"

I looked up at Hannah.

"Yeah, I'm still listening."

In reality , I wasn't. I didn't really care for what the hell she was even talking about and I didn't even know what the hell she was talking about in the first place. I stood by the sink with my arms folded, not even focused.

I looked around my kitchen and noticed a black bracelet on the counter. I squinted my eyes to stare at. A cursive I was branded into the silver diamond shaped metal that hung on the black string.

"Klay, can you hand me my bracelet on my counter ?"

I looked around Inanna's messy counter that full of makeup and other objects that I didn't know about. I saw a black string under a makeup pallet. I pulled it to show a bracelet. Inanna walked in and smiled at me and then at the bracelet.

"How come I never seen it before ?"

"You seen it but you haven't noticed it."

"What does that mean ?"

"If you noticed it, you would've asked me about it." She snickered, slipping it on her small wrist.

"Where did you get it ?"

"From my papa before he past. He apparently told my parents that I was gonna be a girl and they were gonna be name me after his wife. The day he died, my mom found out she was pregnant with me. She kept the bracelet and gave it to me on my high school graduation day."

"Maybe I would've liked to know that since I'm your bestfriend."

"You would've forgot anyway. Now come on, we have a graduation to go to." She said, grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door.

"Klay! Who's bracelet is that ?" Hannah shouted, walking over to the bracelet and picking it up.

"Probably one of my friends." I lied. she glanced at me before shrugging and putting it back down.

"So how was your birthday ?"

She smiled.

"It was great until you and Inanna took the attention from me by getting drunk off your asses." She pouted.

"My bad."

"Of course it is. But you can make it up to me."

"And that way is ?" I asked boredly, already knowing what it is.

"Taking me shopping."

"I rather stay inside and watch movies."

"You are so frustrating. All you wanna do is that boring cuddle shit. I want to go out."

"And I want to stay inside."

"What can you possibly do inside ?"

"Um let's see. Watch movies, read the newspaper, drink my coffee, play with my dog and better yet not spend money and mind my business and keep people out of my business."

She huffed and rolled her eyes.

"But you have money to spend so why don't we go outside to spend it ?"

"Because I wasn't raise to look at money that way. Why waste it on something wasteful like a shirt ?"

"I'm not gonna have this argument with you again Klay."

"Then don't."

She rolled her eyes once again before leaving. Rocco trotted over and stood up on his hind legs. I picked him up before looking at him.

"Do you want to go spend money on worthless things ?"

He barked as his answer.

"Yeah I didn't think so."

The One and Only  | Klay Thompson | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now