You're A Wizard Draco

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I need to get my mind off all the said things that are happening right now so I am starting this book. Before I start I want to give you a heads up about this book. I'm going to pick scenes from each movie and change it a bit. Also instead of having the scar on his forehead he has it on his arm cause I wanted to shake things up.

Also I don't own anything Harry Potter

Draco Malfoy watched the scenery as the train made it's way to Hogwarts. He couldn't believe that only a few weeks ago he was a normal boy living with his aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and their son, Dudley. He had no clue that a giant would come and rescue him by telling him he was a wizard and that his parents were not muggles that died in a car accident but were killed by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

The door to the compartment opened and a red haired boy popped his head in. Draco recognized him as the boy he met on the platform when he was trying to find out where platform nine and three quarters was.

"Excuse me, do you mind" he said. "Everywhere else is full"

"Not at all" Draco said gesturing to him to sit down. The red haired boy gave a little smile before coming in and sitting across from him.

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley"

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy" he said. Ron's eyes widened.

"So it's true, I mean do you really have the" he said pointing to his arm.

"The what?" Draco asked.

"The scar" Ron said.

"Oh" Draco said then pushed up his left sleeve to reveal the scar on his wrist.

"Wicked" Ron said making them both smile. A woman with a trolley pulled up to the door.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" She asked. Ron frowned before holding up a plastic bag of treats.

"No thanks, I'm all set" Draco quickly pulled out some coins that he got from Gringotts Wizarding Bank.

"We'll take the lot" He said holding out the coins.

"Whoa" Ron said. After they got the treats and the lady left they enjoyed their treats. As they talked a girl with bushy hair and large front teeth appeared in the door way.

"Has anyone seen a toad?" She asked. "A boy named Neville lost one"

"No" Ron said. The girl's eyes widened as she got a good look at Draco. She quickly sat next to Draco.

"Holy cricket, you're Draco Malfoy,  "I'm Hermione Granger" she said before looking over at Ron. "And you are?"

"Ron Weasley" he said with his mouth full. Hermione made a face in disgusts.

"Pleasure, you two better change into your robes I expect we'll be arriving soon" she said before getting up to leave. She turned to Draco and smiled.

"It was nice meeting you" she said before leaving.


Draco watched as the professor explained everything about the houses. After she left Draco was about to say something to Ron when a voice stopped him.

"It's true then, Draco Malfoy has come to Hogwarts" Draco watched as the boy with glasses, black hair and blue eyes introduced his friends Crabbe and Goyle before coming to stand in front of him.

"And I'm Harry, Harry Potter" He said making Ron hide his laugh. "Think my name is funny do you? No need to ask your name, red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley"

Draco glared at him when he turned his attention back on him.

"You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others." He said. "You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." He said holding out his hand. Draco looked down at it before looking back at Potter.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks" Draco said as the Professor from before came up and tapped his shoulder. Potter looked at her before turning back to Draco then leaving.

"We're ready for you now" she said before they made their way into the Great Hall. They gathered by the teachers table before Dumbledore said a few words. After that people got sorted into their houses. Hermione got sorted into Gryffindor, Potter into Slytherin and Ron joined Hermione in Gryffindor.

"Draco Malfoy" Draco moved up to the stool. He was nervous that he would be put in Slytherin with Potter. The professor put the hat on his head before stepping back.

"Hmm difficult very difficult, plenty of courage I see, not a bad mind either there's talent, oh yes and a thirsty to prove yourself, but where to put you?" He said.

"Not Slytherin" Draco whispered.

"Not Slytherin you say" He said. "Are you sure? You could be great you know, it's all here in your head. Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness there's no doubt about that. If you're sure better be GRYFFINDOR!" He said making Draco smile. Draco joined the others at the table. Hermione smiled at him before saying.

"I'm so glad you are in Gryffindor"

"Me too" Draco said.

Hope you liked it

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