Saving Sirius Black

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So I thought a lot about it and decided to make Sirius Black Draco's godfather instead of second cousins.

Hermione laughed as she watched Potter and his goons run away like little girls. She then saw Ron's hat string being messed with then felt her hair being messed with.

"Draco" she said laughing. Draco removed the cloak.

"Bloody hell Draco that wasn't funny." Ron said as Draco and Hermione laughed.

Hermione and Ron followed the footsteps of Draco until they heard his soft cries. Hermione's heart broke hearing her crush's cries. She went over and kneeled next to the rock before she removed the invisibility cloak from over him.

"Draco, what happen?" She asked.

"He was their friend and he betrayed them." he said. "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!!" Hermione took his hand and stroked the back of it.

"I hope he finds me cause when he does I'm going to be ready, when he does I'm going to kill." He said. Hermione leaned forward and hugged him.


Hermione walked down the hill to Potter and his goons. She was furious that they would dare take pleasure in Buckbeak's death.

"You, you foul loathsome evil little cockroach" she said point her wand at him as he backed up against the stone.

"Hermione no, he's not worth it" Ron said. Hermione glared at Potter before lowering her wand. Potter sighed in relief as Hermione turned around. He was about to chuckle when Hermione whirled around and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor before his friends helped him up and they ran away. Hermione turned to the boys and smiled.

"That felt good"


Draco stared at the man who is his godfather. After finding out that he didn't betray his parents, that Peter Pettigrew betrayed his parents and had been hiding as Ron's rat for twelve years.

"You better go" Ron said.

"No, it's fine I'll stay" Draco said.

"You go, I'll stay" Hermione said. Draco nodded before heading over to Sirius.

"It's beautiful isn't it, I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It would be nice to do it again as a free man." He said. "That was a noble thing you did back there, he doesn't deserve it."

"Well I don't think my dad would want his two best friends to become killers." Draco said. "Besides, if he's dead the truth dies with him and so does your freedom."

"I don't know if you know this Draco but when you were born Lucius and Narcissa made me your godfather." He said.

"I know" Draco said.

"I can understand if you want to stay with your uncle and aunt but if you ever wanted a different home..."

"You mean I can come and live with you?"

"It's just a thought, I can understand if you don't want too."

"Draco" Hermione yelled pointing at the full moon.


Draco watched his godfather fly off with Buckbeak and wished he could go with him. He jumped a little when a hand laced itself with his. He looked down at their hands before looking up at Hermione and smiling.

"You'll see him again" she said.

"I know"

Sorry it's so short. Fun fact, the prisoner of azkaban is my favorite movie out of all the harry potter movies

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