Kaylin's Oven

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Kaylin looked in disbelief as the doctor had left the room, as her world came crashing down. She looked around the room as she got off the bed her best friend, Stephen, walked in and gave her a big hug. At that point she burst into tears and all Stephen could do was comfort her and wait for the confirmation in the predicted news.

Kaylin took a deep breath as she calmed herself, “Stephen there is a problem, I thought that after it happened that I wouldn’t have to worry about it. I just left him alone and he did the same, now there is a problem,” Kaylin broke back into hysterics, after a few moments of another calming down session she continued, “I am having a baby. I don’t know the gender but I know I am having one,”

With that instant Stephen’s anger rose but as he looked at her in his arms he knew that this was going to be a real hard time for Kaylin. He mentally took a step back from the problem and got over himself, promising that he will make his, oh-so dear friend pay.

“Kay I promise that I will be here for whatever you would need me for,” as he hugged her and lead her to the door.

Kaylin walked in to the waiting room as the nurses gave her a prescription for pre-natal vitamins, “Don’t forget that you need to take them daily. IT will help that like angel become big and strong. IF you don’t mind me saying your guys’ baby will look gorgeous.

Kaylin and Stephen looked at each other as a roaring laughter erupted from Stephen as Kaylin frantically tried to straighten things out. She gave up after the nurse seemed to be set on her opinion.

Kaylin and Stephen finally left the hospital with big smiles on their faces despite the news that was previously said. Kaylin got into the car pretending that she had to do it like a women that was 9 months pregnant that was about due. Stephen took one look at her and erupted with insane laughter, as he himself got in the car.

Stephen started the car, “Where do you want to go now? Do you want to go home and tell your parents?”

Kaylin immediately stopped laughing and looked at her friend with wide eyes, “I can’t tell them Stephen If I tell them I will be dead in a moment of minutes. Do you think we could crash at your house till my parents go to sleep?”

Stephen looked at Kaylin with disbelieve he knew that she should tell them about the baby. Stephen looked at the car’s clock and saw that is was about 3 o’clock. He knew that this was going to be a bad idea.

“Fine, you just got to relax and understand that everything is going to go okay. I am here for you hundred and twenty-three percent,” Stephen said as he left the parking lot

Kaylin just hummed an agreement as her head turned to the window to watch the trees and buildings pass by.The car ride was quiet as both were left to their thoughts. Stephen was angry at how that guy had decided to just use Kaylin like his own personal punching bag, but he knew that there would be nothing that he could do now. It was all up to Kaylin and how she was going to explain it to her parents. He knew that they wouldn't believe it because it did seem to be far-fetched.

Kaylin couldn’t stop remembering the night that she was with him. It wasn’t like she wanted it but it wasn’t like she had a major choice. She knew she could have told someone but she also knew that it would be had for anyone to ever suspect him. Kaylin tried to think of baby names instead pushing those haunting thoughts far away from her.

When they got to Stephen’s house he opened the door for her, and helped her get out of the car. He knew that she didn’t need it but he also knew that she didn’t need to feel alone either. Stephen cautiously walked her to the door holding her there the entire way. Kaylin thought that it was quite amusing, but knew this was his way of showing that he cared. 

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