Chapter Five

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"I'm proud of you.

-Thank you, dad.

-Sorry if I change the subject, but what were you doing Marylebone when Lestrade came to you?

-Getting to know my work colleague, another crime solver.

-You haven't gone to uni yet.

-I am, yes. I may have not gone to uni yet, I have already studied many things.

-I know, darling I know. You may want to go to the little one, I think he's missed you very much."

To my father's advice, I went to his room, opened the door to a smiling boy, surrounded by his toys, that he had organised just before the meal. He stood up, circumventing his little toy-cars, to come to me and give me another hug.

"You miss me little boy, you sure did and I am sorry I had to leave, but now that I am here, I will not leave again until you go to sixth form do you hear that?

-I missed your voice."

I was rubbing his head when I received a text message. It was from Sherlock. He was asking me to come and see him so he can conclude on the clarification I gave on the case. I just came back, so I am not going to escape once again. However, I still have to go, a debate is announced.

"How about we go to the park in a few hours?
-Why not now?
-There is something I need to do.
-I can come with you?
-I am afraid darling, no, it is business.
-Is it the inspector?
-Yes, it is. I promise you'll see him someday."

I left my little brother, took a deep breath, and went downstairs to talk to my father.

"Can I go to my colleague?
-What, now?
-He wants to see me for a case I have submitted to him.
-Can I take you then?
-It may take some time, you know, he likes talking a lot."

He did not say anything, yet his eyes said everything. He stayed in the entrance of the house, silent, and I left again. I took the tube again to get to Baker Street. If only I was not spending all my pocket money on clothes, I could take a cab more often and I would not have to be around irrelevant people. I hate all this hypocrisy around clothes yet I love to have many. In fact, I almost only wear dark skinny jeans and large tops, but I have a lot of them. I once again put myself in the public transportation's "no-smile" mood.

It is convenient that Baker Street is on my line, because I do not like transferring, it is long and you have to wait. I do not like to wait, I am an impatient person. If only I could teleport myself where I want to go instead of having to wait until I get there. My brain works with my heart, and I often have changes of heart, so most of the times when I want something, I change my mind before arriving to it. But I cannot complain about living in London though. It is a very diverse and large city, plus it has Sherlock, and there are a lot of crimes to investigate. This city never sleeps, and I am quite delighted about it, I could not see myself without things to solve, whether it be a crime or a Chinese puzzle. My mind needs to be in the constant state of work, I hate being lazy. Even if my dear inspector's brain have not the same composition as mine, but they work the same way. We observe everything. From what we observe, we deduce everything, and when we have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth. I cannot wait to work with him, I have no doubt we will get along very fine, I you doubt, you will not go very far in life. That is how it works.

"Come home soon, your brother is in tears." was the last text message I received before turning off my mobile phone. I do not like to be disturbed when I am working, or about to work. I will soon be able to take the "special crime investigator" title, I was waiting for that for a long time, which, I think I said it before, is not something I appreciate. He was not expecting me to come yesterday, yet, in a fractions of seconds, we was able to analyse me, so now, he knows how I am like. I tried to analyse him as well, but he is hard to study. It is quite challenging to try to guess who he is, but I like challenges and they do not make me afraid.

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