ay ay captain!

39 3 8

TAGGED BY idiot1 and idiot2 eggyoongi & ohmyguk

you must post all the rules
⍪ you must respond
⍪ each person must answer 13 questions
⍪ you have to tag 13 people
⍪ make 13 questions for other people
⍪ tag backs are allowed
⍪ if you don't do the tag, that sucks ;(
⍪ be creative with the title

1. socks or no sock?

2. if someone offered to buy you any item that you wanted (only one), what would you want?
a huge human sized snorlax plushie pLEAse

3. what's 9+10 (i'm sorry it's my brother's demand)

4. are you for or against putting your bra on top of your shirt and why?
neutral because we all know girls have boobs so we have nothing to hide. and also people can do whatever they wan't if they actually want to do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5. what types of books do you read here?
i read a bit of everything really, but i'm all for angst and those action packed books.

6. do you play superstar bts? if so, what's your favourite song to play on?
yep yup. my fave song to play on would be 21st century girls bc i like the song and i think the buttons on those yellow things watch well

7. would you play bts world? and what would you do to the members?
uh duh. i'd make force them into a contract with mcdonald's or i'd make them cuddle with each other

8. if tae offered you a pair of crocs, would you wear them?
yeah...except if we're going hiking

9. outdoors or indoors?
i'm more of an indoors person but honestly sometimes i go outside and i feel like i've been missing out my whole life

10. a subject you would want to have in school.
how to get yourself a boyfriend without being embarrassing 101

11. do you watch the olympics? if so, what has been your favourite moment so far?
a little bit bc my dad just comes home from work and straight up opens the olympics but i'm just waiting for patrick chan to perform

12. what is your to-go move when you dance?
boogie boogie boogie or the backpack kid move

13. if a makeup artist did your makeup, which type of look would you want to have?
uh i really just want to have smokey makeup once for fun

i. what is your favourite anime?
i loveeee........


k i like ao haru no ride bc it's just sooo cute but i also really like aot and fullmetal alchemist

ii. the worst teacher you've ever gotten and why.
so in fifth grade i had this teacher who really hated us like really hated us. she used to just make students go out of class for no reason and she was on facebook while we were working. so we ended up, with white parents' power, firing her. rip

iii. what disadvantages do you have if you're right or left handed?
when you're right handed, and you have left handed friends, you have to listen to their rants about left handed :)

iv. if you could change anything about yourself physically and/or psychologically, what would it be?
i think i'm kinda impulsive and i never really think before talking so i end up hurting people's feelings without bad intent. i wish i could change that. and also physically, GET RID OF MY ACNE PLEASE.

v. if you were able to donate money to an organization, which one would it be?
i'm not sure, but i'd probably go for a children's hospital

vi. what sport do you like watching/playing?
none. i don't know any of the rules. but i guess i like watching kpop and with kpop comes dancing and dancing is a sport.

vii. any drama recommendations?
while you were sleeping

viii. what is the one thing you must have before leaving the house?
my keys

ix. can you 100% relate to your zodiac sign?
i mean, scorpios are known to be unable to control their feelings and they can change moods in a second. basically, they're emotional messes and that's exactly what i am

x. would you rather receive underwear or socks are a birthday gift and why?
socks because my socks all have holes in them helP

xi. one fashion item you wish never existed. [dont take it offensively]
those 2 in 1 beanie and scarf thing that makes you look like a robber

 [dont take it offensively]those 2 in 1 beanie and scarf thing that makes you look like a robber

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ski masks! they're called ski masks

xii. do you prefer playing board games or playing cards and why?
playing cards because dices hate me

xiii. one thing that makes you cringe the most.
eggyoongi makes me cringe

i'm breaking the rules but who cares right? toodles

i'm breaking the rules but who cares right? toodles

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