Okay so I don't remember much of my past.. sorry I have really bad memory... not my fault though since I guess that day wasn't important to me.
Let's start with how my mom meet my dad, they both worked together and he always gave her rides to her house, so that's how they meet. Anyways when she meet him he didn't show any signs of him being violent or him being married...
So my mom went out with him, she was happy until she realized he was married. He lied to her for a few months and she didn't know. I don't blame my mom for anything, she was the innocent one in this story.
She wanted to leave him but then she realized she was pregnant with me.. so she stayed and that's just because she didn't have money. Plus my dad didn't want her to leave, he lied to my mom saying he was going to divorce his wife. So she was like okay I'll stay for my child. Oh I forgot to mention I had a sister who was part of this story, her name is Carrie she'll come in the story later.
Okay let's continue, my mom stayed and he treated her good, you know because she was pregnant. My dads family members didn't accept my mom, they blamed her for ruining a perfect marriage but if it was really perfect then why did my dad cheat huh huh.
Okay i need a break it hurt to talk about this.. if you wanna read more go to the next chapter...